Beowulf the Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beowulf the Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Grendel lake lined with?
(a) Fierce dragons.
(b) Trees.
(c) Mountains.
(d) Tall grasses.

2. Before battling Grendel's mother, what does Beowulf ask the King to do if he should die?
(a) Build him a monument.
(b) Look after his men.
(c) Send his men back to their homeland.
(d) Promise to tell stories of his heroism.

3. Where does Beowulf see a "tremendous sword" in the lair of Grendel's mother?
(a) At her side.
(b) On the wall.
(c) In the armory.
(d) On a table.

4. Who does Grendel's mother kill during the night?
(a) Unferth.
(b) Grendel.
(c) Aeschere.
(d) The Queen.

5. When Grendel's blood turns the lake red, what do Hrothgar and his men assume?
(a) Beowulf has defeated the monster.
(b) Beowulf is dead.
(c) All of the serpents have died.
(d) The lake has grown fiery hot.

6. What is Hrunting?
(a) A shield.
(b) Grendel's mother's hall.
(c) Beowulf's sword.
(d) Hrothgar's hall.

7. When Beowulf reaches the bank of the lake, what does he do?
(a) Places Grendel's head on a spear.
(b) Places Grendel's mother's head on a spear.
(c) Falls to the ground in exhaustion.
(d) Kisses the ground.

8. At the beginning of Chapter 2, who is brooding with grief and greedy for revenge?
(a) Unferth.
(b) Hrothgar.
(c) Beowulf.
(d) Grendel's mother.

9. Who does Beowulf will his sword to in case of his death?
(a) Wulfgar.
(b) His warriors.
(c) Hrothgar.
(d) Unferth.

10. Who stays at the lake after the Danes leave?
(a) Hrothgar.
(b) Beowulf's comrades.
(c) Grendel.
(d) Unferth.

11. Who promises to come with "a thousand spears and a thousand shields" if the other should be attacked?
(a) Wiglaf makes this promise to Beowulf.
(b) Beowulf makes this promise to Hrothgar.
(c) Beowulf makes this promise to Wiglaf.
(d) Hrothgar makes this promise to Beowulf.

12. How far is Grendel's mother's lair from the windy cliffs?
(a) A mile.
(b) Fifty yards.
(c) A week's journey.
(d) Three miles.

13. As Beowulf prepares to leave Denmark, what does Hrothgar do "as if his heart would break?"
(a) Watches the ships sail away.
(b) Helps Beowulf load his possessions.
(c) Weeps.
(d) Sings.

14. What saves Beowulf's life from Grendel's mother's near-fatal attack?
(a) A shield.
(b) His mailcoat.
(c) Hrunting.
(d) His warriors.

15. Who leads Beowulf to the Grendel lake?
(a) A warrior who isn't named.
(b) Hrothgar.
(c) Aeschere.
(d) Unferth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who forged the tremendous sword that is in Grendel's mother's lair?

2. How many men does it take to carry Grendel's head?

3. How does Hrothgar kill the first monster at the Grendel lake?

4. What does Grendel's mother use to try to kill Beowulf?

5. When Beowulf blows his horn, what rises up out of the Grendel lake?

(see the answer keys)

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