Beowulf the Warrior Short Essay - Answer Key

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beowulf the Warrior Short Essay - Answer Key

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What does Grendel look like?

Grendel is a twelve foot tall, hairy, gorilla-like monster. He has red eyes and ravening jaws.

2. Why does Grendel attack Heorot?

Grendel attacks Heorot because he hates the minstrel's song, the sound of the harp, and the bold merriment of the men.

3. Why does Grendel attack Heorot at night?

Grendel attacks Heorot during the night because the people are sleeping making them are easier to surprise.

4. What do the people in the story call the Baltic Sea?

The people in the story call the Baltic Sea the whale road.

5. Where does the watchman see the "glint of death" in Beowulf's party?

The watchman sees the "glint of death" in the points of the spears Beowulf's party is carrying as well as on their shields.

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