Beowulf the Warrior Multiple Choice Test Questions

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beowulf the Warrior Multiple Choice Test Questions

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1

1. Who is Hrothgar?
(a) Beowulf's brother.
(b) The monster.
(c) The King of the Geats.
(d) The King of the Danes.

2. What towered "high to reach heaven" and "strong to withstand the buffet of war?"
(a) The Catholic Church.
(b) Heorot.
(c) Beowulf.
(d) Grendel.

3. Who did Hrothgar give golden rings and bracelets to?
(a) Grendel's mother.
(b) His followers.
(c) Grendel.
(d) His wife.

4. What does Grendel hate the sound of?
(a) A warrior's battle cry.
(b) Snoring.
(c) Men's voices.
(d) The harp.

5. How tall is Grendel?
(a) 20 feet tall.
(b) 7 feet tall.
(c) 12 feet tall.
(d) 9 feet tall.

6. What are Grendel's arms described as being like?
(a) A hairy gorilla's.
(b) Tree trunks.
(c) Bands of steel.
(d) A mighty king's.

7. What are Hrothgar and his warriors doing when Grendel first enters Heorot?
(a) Arguing.
(b) Feasting.
(c) Dancing.
(d) Sleeping.

8. What does Grendel do with the men he takes from Heorot?
(a) Throws them off a cliff.
(b) Feeds them to the sea serpents.
(c) Takes them home for meat.
(d) Uses them as slaves.

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