Beowulf the Warrior Fun Activities

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beowulf the Warrior Fun Activities

Ian Serraillier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Beowulf the Warrior Lesson Plans

Monster Sculpture

Using clay or any other sculpting material you choose, sculpt a model of Grendel. Use your imagination, but be sure to include the details we know about Grendel based on the descriptions in the book.

Grendel's Mother Portrait

Paint or draw a picture of Grendel's mother. Pay attention to the details provided in the book.

Mourning Monster Poetry

Grendel's mother is very sad at the death of her son. Write a poem, in any style you wish, from the viewpoint of Grendel's mother lamenting the death of her beloved child.

Heorot Hall

Build a model depicting what you think Heorot looks like. Use craft sticks, cardboard, Legos ®, or any other building materials you wish.

Cast the Movie

Although Beowulf has been made into a movie more than once, imagine you are casting your own rendition of the story. Who would you cast to play the major...

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