Beneath a Scarlet Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sullivan, Mark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beneath a Scarlet Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sullivan, Mark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, what is the woman carrying that Mino nearly jumps into?
(a) Flute.
(b) Piccolo.
(c) Clarinet.
(d) Violin.

2. In Chapter 5, what color uniforms are men who seem to be prisoners doing forced labor wearing?
(a) Gray.
(b) Brown.
(c) Blue.
(d) Black.

3. In Chapter 10, who is the first to walk the catwalk?
(a) Judith.
(b) Mr. D'Angelo.
(c) Mrs. Napolitano.
(d) Anthony.

4. In Chapter 2, what rank is the Gestapo officer in Uncle Albert's store?
(a) Lieutenant.
(b) Colonel.
(c) General.
(d) Major.

5. In Chapter 5, how many hours does Father Re tell Pino that he must study daily Monday through Friday?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 2.

6. In Chapter 15, who does Pino learn that the gray men are?
(a) Russians.
(b) Poles.
(c) Slaves.
(d) Jews.

7. In Chapter 13, where are Italian soldiers sent?
(a) Russian front.
(b) Nazi ships.
(c) Poland.
(d) To man concentration camps.

8. In Chapter 12, where do the Jews hid while the Nazis search Casa Alpina?
(a) Trees.
(b) Storage cellar.
(c) Stable.
(d) Shepherd's hut.

9. In Chapter 12, what is the date?
(a) May 23, 1944.
(b) February 4, 1944.
(c) March 11, 1944.
(d) April 26, 1944.

10. In Chapter 12, how many days rations does Father Re give Tito and his men?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

11. In Chapter 7, how long has it been since Pino has hiked on the ridge?
(a) 3 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 18 months.
(d) 20 months.

12. When did the Italian government make public the country's formal surrender to the Allies?
(a) September 19, 1943.
(b) September 2, 1943.
(c) September 3, 1943.
(d) September 8, 1943.

13. In Chapter 14, how long is Pino in a field hospital after surviving a bombing at the train station?
(a) 8 days.
(b) 9 days.
(c) 13 days.
(d) 11 days.

14. In Chapter 9, what is the name of the man who take Luigi, maria, and Rudolph to Innerferrera?
(a) Peter.
(b) Bergstrom.
(c) Bernard.
(d) Wilhelm.

15. What does Mrs. Napolitano carry with her on the climb to Switzerland?
(a) Violin.
(b) Small suitcase.
(c) Backpack.
(d) Flute.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do Pino and his party encounter at the end of Chapter 8?

2. In Chapter 11, from the time that Pino and Mr. Bergstrom can see Mimo and the D'Angelos, how long does it take them to work down the slope?

3. In Chapter 8, how many minutes is Pino up and dressed before Father Re comes to wake him?

4. When Pino returns to Milan in Chapter 13, how many of the buildings in some Milan neighborhoods are rubble?

5. Who does General Leyers work under the authority of?

(see the answer keys)

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