Benazir Bhutto: From Prison to Prime Minister Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Libby Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Benazir Bhutto: From Prison to Prime Minister Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Libby Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Benazir befriended several of the girls who were near her room including ________, who helped her to learn how to answer the telephone.
(a) Anne Fadiman.
(b) Anne Lamott.
(c) Anne Galbraith.
(d) Julie Fadiman.

2. The ________ is like the American House of Representatives and can pass laws and budgets.
(a) State Assembly.
(b) Senate.
(c) General Assembly.
(d) National Assembly.

3. The book describes an incident in which Benazir Bhutto encountered racial prejudice at the _______ airport.
(a) Amsterdam.
(b) New York.
(c) New Delhi.
(d) London.

4. As a consequence for talking openly about the general, five men with _______ arrived to take the prime minister into custody again.
(a) Swords.
(b) Pistols.
(c) Machine guns.
(d) Knives.

5. According to the book there was a rumor that Prime Minister Bhutto was responsible for ________ that damaged crops.
(a) Summer droughts.
(b) Summer earthquakes.
(c) Summer rains.
(d) Summer winds.

6. To address the crop damage rumors, Benazir was directed to visit the city of ________ to show the Bhuttos cared.
(a) Lahore.
(b) Kashmir.
(c) Murree.
(d) Islamabad.

7. Once she arrived at Harvard, Benazir decided to major in _________, pleasing her father in the process.
(a) Comparative Government.
(b) International Business.
(c) Radical Government.
(d) International Politics.

8. Benazir acclimatized quickly to her surroundings and began to join several organizations including ________.
(a) Harvard Rowers.
(b) Harvard Assembly.
(c) Harvard Intellectuals.
(d) Harvard Crimson.

9. Benazir decided to travel to the city where crops were damaged accompanied by her _______.
(a) Grandfather.
(b) Sister.
(c) Brother.
(d) Mother.

10. Benazir's father's campaign to secure rights became ________ and emotional although he eventually won.
(a) Multinational.
(b) Peaceful.
(c) Religious.
(d) Violent.

11. Prime Minister Bhutto had his wife and children return to their home in ________, Pakistan.
(a) Karachi.
(b) Murree.
(c) Mohatarma.
(d) Islamabad.

12. According to the book, Benazir Bhutto would be placed in charge of her ______ younger siblings
(a) Eight.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

13. Shortly after her election as president of the society, Benazir's father told her that he would be working on equal rights for _______ in the foreign and civil service.
(a) Middle age people.
(b) Women.
(c) People of color.
(d) Muslims.

14. According to the book, Benazir's father taught her ________, which became a major part of her education.
(a) Diplomacy.
(b) Economics.
(c) Psychology.
(d) History.

15. Benazir's real name was ________. She was called Benazir by her father which meant "without equal".
(a) Nusrat.
(b) Sanam.
(c) Mohatarma.
(d) Mohatma.

Short Answer Questions

1. The book states that Benazir delivered her first speech in the society on the need to impeach _______.

2. According to the book, the assembly has 237 members that serve _______ year terms.

3. Benazir's father was angry when the Security Council _________ in response to his pleas.

4. During Benazir's second round of education she pursued all of the following degrees except ________.

5. According to the book, all of the following countries except ________ border the nation of Pakistan.

(see the answer keys)

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