Beloved Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beloved Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many days does Stamp walk up to the house without knocking?
(a) Four days
(b) Two days
(c) Eight days
(d) Six days

2. Who are the only three people in this chapter?
(a) Beloved, Denver and Sethe
(b) Beloved, Sethe and Stamp Paid
(c) Beloved, Stamp Paid and Paul D
(d) Beloved, Denver and Paul D

3. Why does Sethe think she does not have to explain anything to Beloved?
(a) Because she tried to save her from a life of misery
(b) Because she came back under her own free will
(c) Because she is a ghost
(d) Because she is her mother

4. What does Paul D wonder aloud?
(a) If Sethe really loved her children
(b) If Sethe is crazy
(c) If there was any other way
(d) If Beloved is her dead daughter

5. Who does Paul say badly abused the slaves at Sweet Home?
(a) Mrs. Garner
(b) The schoolteacher
(c) Mr. Garner
(d) The Sheriff

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the Sheriff and his friends find Sethe?

2. How does Sethe try to kill Denver?

3. Why did Sethe get fired?

4. Who does Stamp Paid say managed to punch Sethe and get her down?

5. Whose body does Stamp say he had to carry out of 124?

Short Essay Questions

1. Do you think a white family would take in a white man as a black family would take in a black man?

2. What does the fact Stamp hears dead black people signify?

3. Why does Stamp Paid show Paul D the article about Sethe?

4. Why do you think Denver does not want to hear Sethe's stories?

5. What does the red ribbon Stamp carries around symbolize?

6. What does Sethe walking around in circles symbolize?

7. Why do Sethe and Denver need Beloved to be theirs?

8. How does this chapter move around the thoughts of the three women?

9. What does Paul D and Paid Stamp's gallow humor signify?

10. Why does Morrison use stream of consciousness in this chapter to express Sethe's thoughts?

(see the answer keys)

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