Beloved Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beloved Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Beloved ask Paul D?
(a) To kill Sethe
(b) To have sex with her
(c) To make her laugh
(d) To leave the house

2. How do the guards wake the men up in the Georgia prison?
(a) To the sound of rifles
(b) By hitting them over the head
(c) By pushing over the boxes
(d) By shouting in their ears

3. What is Beloved doing for Denver upstairs?
(a) Telling ghost stories
(b) Dancing
(c) Trying on clothes
(d) Showing her her scars

4. What did Denver used to hide from?
(a) Her stepfather's abuse
(b) Her mother's nagging
(c) Her slave owner's wrath
(d) Her brother's fear

5. How many of Baby Suggs' sons ran away?
(a) Eight
(b) Five
(c) Ten
(d) Four

6. What does Sethe say Paul D is not allowed to do?
(a) Enter her bedroom
(b) Sleep in the house
(c) Cook
(d) Yell or punish her daughter

7. Why does Denver miss her baby sister?
(a) She took pride in the way people feared her house.
(b) She has no one to play with.
(c) She has no one to tease.
(d) She has no one to talk to.

8. What is the address of Sethe's house?
(a) 135 Rhode Way, Cincinnati, Ohio
(b) 124 Orangeskies Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio
(c) 124 Bluemoon Rd, Charlottesville, Ohio
(d) 124 Bluestone Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio

9. Who does Baby Suggs claim is the only bad luck in the world?
(a) Arab people
(b) Jewish people
(c) White people
(d) Black people

10. Why did the perfume bottle break?
(a) Denver dropped it.
(b) Sete stood on it
(c) Because the perfume froze
(d) Denver threw it against a tree

11. What does Paul D end up telling Sethe?
(a) He wants to have a child with her
(b) He has fallen in love with Beloved
(c) He wants to get married
(d) He thinks Beloved is her dead daughter

12. What does the woman say her name is?
(a) Truly
(b) Daisy
(c) Beloved
(d) Blossom

13. Where is the woman sitting when Sethe, Denver and Paul D arrive back from the carnival?
(a) On a stump outside the house
(b) On the porch
(c) On Sethe's bed
(d) On the grass

14. How many other slaves is Paul D locked up with?
(a) 45
(b) 60
(c) 50
(d) 100

15. Who does Denver think Beloved is?
(a) Baby Suggs
(b) A prophet
(c) Her dead sister
(d) Her aunt

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Garners pride themselves in doing?

2. What does Paul presume Beloved is?

3. What does Denver want from Beloved?

4. Why does Mrs. Garner laugh at Sethe for wanting a wedding?

5. What happened to Sethe's mother?

(see the answer keys)

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