Belinda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belinda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does lady Delacour say to Dr. X when he accepts her request to postpone the surgery for a day?
(a) That she was only looking for an excuse to delay the operation.
(b) That she's going to send for a nurse to care for her during her recovery.
(c) That she's going to send Helena away first.
(d) That she's called for a second opinion.

2. What is it that causes a delay in his plan?
(a) There are no poor people in his community.
(b) He can't find a suitable woman.
(c) People keep calling on him.
(d) He can't find the right ring with which to propose.

3. What are the first words Mrs. Feke says to Mr. Vincent when they meet at Oakly-park?
(a) That she's sorry for scaring Juba.
(b) That she's come with an invitation for Belinda to visit.
(c) That she's putting together a hunting party and wants him to join them.
(d) That she hopes he's getting better.

4. Who is the stranger who climbs the wall to see Virginia?
(a) Mr. Vincent.
(b) Marriott.
(c) Miss Freke.
(d) Phillip Baddey.

5. What does Lady Delacour say will be required of the man Belinda chooses as a husband?
(a) That he develop a sense of humor.
(b) That he become Lady Delacour's friend.
(c) That he be willing to take Helena as his own.
(d) That he be willing to spend money on Belinda and her friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Belinda go to pick up Helena?

2. What idea does Mr. Hervey have after reading a story by Rousseau?

3. What is the mark that Mr. Hartley says will confirm that Virginia is his daughter?

4. What is the first piece of news Lady Boucher shares with Lady Delacour?

5. What is the tone of the letter Lady Delacour writes to Belinda?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Belinda say she fears might happen if she gives in to Ann's request to become better acquainted with Mr. Vincent?

2. What is the gist of the letter Belinda receives from Mrs. Stanhope after Belinda leaves the Delacour house?

3. Briefly describe the scene that occurs when Mr. Hervey arrives asking if Lady Delacour has received a packet from him.

4. What does Mrs. Ormond say would make Virginia excited about learning to write and why does she say she won't use that as an incentive?

5. Very briefly describe the meeting between Helena and Lady Delacour when Helena returns home from school.

6. How does Mr. Hervey meet Rachel?

7. What is known about the clergyman Dr. X recommends to Lady Delacour?

8. What is the situation between Lord Delacour and Lady Delacour after she reveals her illness and what is decided with regard to her decision to move to the country for the operation?

9. Briefly describe the domestic tranquility Belinda finds at Ann's home.

10. How is Mrs. Feke injured and what is her reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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