Belinda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belinda Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lady Delacour refuse to have a curtain put up over the glass doors near her bed in the country estate?
(a) She enjoys the moonlight.
(b) She likes to open the doors for fresh air.
(c) She doesn't think she has the right to install a curtain.
(d) She doesn't want to hamper Mr. Hervey's visits.

2. What does Mrs. Smith say Rachel's grandmother did for a living?
(a) Nothing, she had a small inheritance.
(b) Tended bees and made rose water.
(c) Produced garden vegetables and canned jellies.
(d) Made perfumes and soaps.

3. What is Mr. Vincent doing in chapter twenty-five when Mr. Hervey arrives?
(a) Feeding his dog.
(b) Reading poetry.
(c) Playing billards.
(d) Playing catch with Helena.

4. What is the tone of the letter Lady Delacour writes to Belinda?
(a) Subdued.
(b) Angry.
(c) Bubbly.
(d) Doomed.

5. What is the first piece of news Lady Boucher shares with Lady Delacour?
(a) That Lord Delacour is having an affair.
(b) That Lord and Lady Delacour are reconciled and very happy.
(c) That Belinda is engaged to Mr. Hervey.
(d) That Belinda is engaged to Mr. Vincent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Belinda when Mrs. Feke arrives at Oakly-park?

2. What does Marriott say is the first name of Miss St. Pierre?

3. Who does Dr. X quote in his effort to convince Lady Delacour that all chaplains are not bad?

4. Which of the following reasons does Lady Delacour give for thinking of Mr. Hervey?

5. What does Belinda write to her aunt about Phillip Baddely?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the situation between Lord Delacour and Lady Delacour after she reveals her illness and what is decided with regard to her decision to move to the country for the operation?

2. How is Mrs. Feke injured and what is her reaction?

3. How does Mr. Hervey meet Rachel?

4. What does Mrs. Feke say she is a champion of and how does that compare with Mr. Percival's opinion?

5. Briefly describe the domestic tranquility Belinda finds at Ann's home.

6. What is the basic information Lady Delacour gives Mr. Hervey in the postscript of her letter?

7. What is the news Lady Boucher brings when she comes to visit Lady Delacour and why does she say she's come to visit?

8. What does Mr. Percival say is the cause of so much domestic unrest and what is his opinion of that situation?

9. What does Belinda believe will be the outcome of Lady Delacour's spending time with the Percivals?

10. What does Lord Delacour tell Mr. Hervey about his ability to judge the character of a person?

(see the answer keys)

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