Belinda Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belinda Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Hervey lose the bet he makes with Lady Delacour regarding hoops?
(a) A conversation about marriage.
(b) The sound of Lord Delacour's voice.
(c) The sight of Belinda's hair.
(d) A knock at the door.

2. When does Lady Delacour say it's too late for a lady to change her mind?
(a) When she leaves the house.
(b) Never.
(c) When she walks into the room.
(d) When she exits the carriage.

3. Why does Lady Delacour say she won't go to one of the best doctors in the area for her upcoming operation?
(a) She believes she's found someone with an herbal remedy.
(b) She believes those doctors will cost too much.
(c) She believes those doctors won't have the latest medical knowledge.
(d) She believes any honorable doctor will tell Lord Delacour.

4. What kind of shop does Harriett Feke run into while Clarence Hervey is creating a distraction?
(a) A shoemaker's shop.
(b) A milner's shop.
(c) A grocer's shop.
(d) A livery .

5. Why does Lady Delacour say the mistress is of no consequence to Belinda?
(a) Because she believes the girl is really too young to marry anyway.
(b) Because Mr. Hervey would end that relationship before proposing to Belinda.
(c) Because Mr. Hervey won't want to marry Belinda.
(d) Because Mr. Hervey won't marry a girl who has been his mistress for so long.

Short Answer Questions

1. What emotions are evoked by Lady Delacour's history?

2. What does Mr. Hervery promise to buy for Lady Delacour?

3. What is the secret that Lady Delacour reveals to Belinda?

4. Who does Lady Delacour say is the only man who truly loved her?

5. What does Belinda say she is reminded of by Lady Delacour's actions?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lady Delacour say should be Helena's fate?

2. Describe how Mr. Hervey learns Helena's true identity, his reaction and how he later apologizes for having spoken out about it.

3. What does Dr. X tell Belinda about Lady Delacour's disease?

4. What is Lady Delacour's argument that makes Belinda give in and buy a new dress?

5. Describe the first meeting between Belinda and Helena.

6. What kind of person is Anne?

7. Describe the race between Mr. Hervey and Sir Phillip and what does each say about the outcome?

8. What does Mrs. Stanhope say should be Belinda's first actions and what must she avoid, considering the rumors that are circulating?

9. What does Lady Delacour say about the man she'd loved and the reason for marrying Lord Delacour?

10. What are Belinda's thoughts upon her discovery of having spent three hours in the library alone on the night of the birth-night ball?

(see the answer keys)

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