Belinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What crime does Juba believe he has committed that will cost him his life?
(a) He shared the voodoo secret of an egg that hatched into a woman.
(b) He told of the old woman who poisoned him
(c) He stole a horse.
(d) He ran away from a previous master.

2. Where does Marriott say she discovered Mr. Hervey's initials?
(a) On linens at a local laundry.
(b) On linens in the possession of a woman believed to be Mr. Hervey's mistress.
(c) Carved in a tree with the initials "MJ".
(d) On a note left on the terrace.

3. Who sent for Mr. Vincent when he was on his way to see Belinda in chapter twenty-nine?
(a) Mr. Hervey.
(b) Lady Delacour.
(c) Governor Montford.
(d) Juba.

4. What does the servant Champfort tell Lord Delacour about Lady Delacour's illness?
(a) That she's pretending .
(b) That the illness is highly contagious and they are all infected.
(c) That she has brought the illness on herself.
(d) That she's going to die within a few weeks.

5. What is Mr. Vincent doing in chapter twenty-five when Mr. Hervey arrives?
(a) Reading poetry.
(b) Playing billards.
(c) Feeding his dog.
(d) Playing catch with Helena.

6. What does Belinda most enjoy about staying with the Percival's?
(a) That the family forms something of a society.
(b) That everyone works together.
(c) All the above.
(d) That even the youngest children take part in amusements.

7. What does Mrs. Ormond's husband do for a living?
(a) He's a hunter.
(b) Nothing, he's dead.
(c) He's in the military.
(d) He's a teacher.

8. When does Belinda read Mr. Hervey's letters?
(a) Whenever they are delivered.
(b) At night.
(c) Early in the morning.
(d) At lunch time.

9. What does Marriott say is the first name of Miss St. Pierre?
(a) Josephine .
(b) She can't remember.
(c) Mary Jane.
(d) Virginia.

10. Who is the stranger who climbs the wall to see Virginia?
(a) Marriott.
(b) Phillip Baddey.
(c) Mr. Vincent.
(d) Miss Freke.

11. Where does Belinda go to pick up Helena?
(a) Margaret Delacour's house.
(b) The study.
(c) School.
(d) The Percival house.

12. What does Anne tell Mr. Vincent he must give Belinda if he wants to gain her affection:
(a) Flattery.
(b) Time.
(c) Money.
(d) Jewelry.

13. Who does Lady Delacour say first taught Lord Delacour to drink?
(a) A librarian.
(b) A nun.
(c) No one.
(d) A chaplain.

14. What does lady Delacour say to Dr. X when he accepts her request to postpone the surgery for a day?
(a) That she was only looking for an excuse to delay the operation.
(b) That she's called for a second opinion.
(c) That she's going to send for a nurse to care for her during her recovery.
(d) That she's going to send Helena away first.

15. What does Mrs. Feke say is Mr. Vincent's reason for remaining at Oakly-park?
(a) Mr. Vincent has been ill.
(b) Belinda's presence there.
(c) Mr. Vincent's carriage broke down and he has no transportation.
(d) Juba is afraid to return to Harrowgate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What's wrong with Rachel's grandmother when Mr. Hervey returns for the second time?

2. What does Belinda write to her aunt about Phillip Baddely?

3. What is the quandary Mrs. Luttridge faces with regard to cheating Mr. Vincent?

4. What is the tone of the letter Lady Delacour writes to Belinda?

5. What does Mrs. Feke say is the reason she doesn't read?

(see the answer keys)

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