Belinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Belinda Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it that causes a delay in his plan?
(a) He can't find the right ring with which to propose.
(b) There are no poor people in his community.
(c) People keep calling on him.
(d) He can't find a suitable woman.

2. How old does Mr. Hervey discover Virginia is on the first birthday she celebrates after the two meet?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Seventeen.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Nineteen.

3. Why does Lord Delacour elect to remain in town while Lady Delacour retires to the country for her operation?
(a) To lessen public curiosity over the situation.
(b) Because he's angry with her.
(c) Because she's angry with him.
(d) Because he's afraid to be with her at the time of her operation.

4. Where does Belinda go to pick up Helena?
(a) Margaret Delacour's house.
(b) The Percival house.
(c) School.
(d) The study.

5. What event does Lady Delacour say is about to happen in her letter to Mr. Hervey that she believes will bring him back to town?
(a) Helena's birthday.
(b) Belinda's wedding.
(c) Her own death.
(d) Christmas.

6. What does Belinda write to her aunt about Phillip Baddely?
(a) That she is greatly attracted and hopes he will follow her.
(b) That she fears his temper.
(c) That she knows a marriage to him would make both miserable.
(d) That she believes him to be handsome but incorrigible.

7. What is the mark that Mr. Hartley says will confirm that Virginia is his daughter?
(a) A mole on her temple.
(b) A chicken pox scar on her cheek.
(c) A misalignment of her left wrist.
(d) A discolored spot above her ankle.

8. What does Miss St. Pierre do to prove the creature belongs to her?
(a) Calls it by name.
(b) Produces ownership papers.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Sings with it.

9. What does Mrs. Smith say Rachel's grandmother did for a living?
(a) Made perfumes and soaps.
(b) Nothing, she had a small inheritance.
(c) Produced garden vegetables and canned jellies.
(d) Tended bees and made rose water.

10. Where is Lady Delacour when she reveals her ailment to her husband?
(a) In her bedroom.
(b) In the library.
(c) In his bedroom.
(d) In the dining room.

11. What deal does Mrs. Feke offer to entice Belinda to attend a ball at Harrowgate?
(a) Attend and learn more about women's rights.
(b) Attend and find many men looking for wives.
(c) Attend and have an incredible evening of dancing.
(d) Attend and have Mrs. Feke for a sworn friend.

12. What idea does Mr. Hervey have after reading a story by Rousseau?
(a) To absent himself from the vain society women.
(b) To find a pauper family to bring into his own home.
(c) To marry Belinda as soon a possible.
(d) To educate a wife for himself.

13. What is the only item Rachel considers important enough to take with her when she leaves the cottage?
(a) A bullfinch.
(b) He grandmother's locket.
(c) A Bible.
(d) A photo of her grandmother.

14. Who does Lady Delacour say first taught Lord Delacour to drink?
(a) No one.
(b) A librarian.
(c) A chaplain.
(d) A nun.

15. What does Marriott say is the first name of Miss St. Pierre?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Mary Jane.
(c) She can't remember.
(d) Josephine .

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anne tell Mr. Vincent he must give Belinda if he wants to gain her affection:

2. What is Mr. Vincent doing in chapter twenty-five when Mr. Hervey arrives?

3. What does Belinda's letter to Mr. Vincent indicate about her desire to be married?

4. Why does Mr. Vincent believe Belinda can never love him as fully as he loves her?

5. What does Mrs. Feke say is Mr. Vincent's reason for remaining at Oakly-park?

(see the answer keys)

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