Bel Canto: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bel Canto: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Hosokawa feel responsible for the the kidnapping?
(a) Everyone was in the theater for his birthday.
(b) His government warned him not to come.
(c) He did not do anything to help save the people.
(d) He wants alone time with Roxane.

2. Why have the terrorists taken over Ruben's house?
(a) They want to burn it down.
(b) They want one million dollars.
(c) They want to free General Benjamin's brother, Luis, from jail.
(d) They wanted to kill the President in front of millions of people.

3. Why has Hosokawa chosen to go to this foreign place?
(a) He loves visiting this country.
(b) His mother begged him to fo there.
(c) He has led people to think he will invest in the South American Country.
(d) He was invited for his birthday.

4. What is clear about Hosokawa's feelings towards her?
(a) He is completely in love with her.
(b) He wants to own her.
(c) He does think she is that great live.
(d) He is very sexually attracted to her.

5. When Simon turns on the television one afternoon, what happens?
(a) They do not want their prisoners watching television.
(b) He reconnects with the outside world.
(c) It alarms the terrorists. They have no idea what it is.
(d) It breaks.

6. What kind of love is everyone experiencing toward Roxane?
(a) A shared love.
(b) An exhuasted love.
(c) A competitive love.
(d) An angry love.

7. How is the accompanist's declaration of love received by Roxane?
(a) She pretends to accept it.
(b) She quietly denies it.
(c) It is accepted.
(d) It is sadly rejected.

8. When the terrorists discover that the President is not at the performance, how do they feel?
(a) Disgruntled.
(b) Crazed with anger. They begin killing people.
(c) Angry, they want to kill him.
(d) Confused. They are not sure what to do next.

9. When the Vice President comes forward to speak with the terrorists, what does he tell them?
(a) He explains that the President is not there.
(b) He tells them the President is severely sick.
(c) That the President will not respond to hostages.
(d) He says he is now the President.

10. What is the first communication between Roxane and Mr. Hosokawa?
(a) He tells her how much he loves her.
(b) He apologizes to her for having her life put in danger.
(c) He tells her that he admires her talent.
(d) By letter.

11. What does Messner learn about Carmen?
(a) She volunteered to become a terrorist because she likes killing.
(b) She is vicous for being so young.
(c) She is seventeen and wants to work to free the people.
(d) She wants to be an American citizen.

12. What is unique to this language?
(a) Exclusively from the jungle.
(b) It is a local dialect.
(c) Many people know it.
(d) A lessner known language.

13. When the hostages look out of the window, what do they find?
(a) Clear beauitful weather.
(b) A large rain cloud.
(c) A huge cloud of heavy fog.
(d) A tornado.

14. Why does Simon see his wife in a different light?
(a) She puts her husmand down.
(b) They are in life or death circumstances.
(c) She is able to fight for herself.
(d) She is dying of a gunshot wound.

15. What is Carmen teaching herself?
(a) Spanish.
(b) French.
(c) Chinese.
(d) English.

Short Answer Questions

1. What becomes the language that everyone can communicate through?

2. By now, how long have they been at the house?

3. Why isn't the President at the performance?

4. Where are the hostages really being taken?

5. For Carmen the siege has been one of the _______ times of her life.

(see the answer keys)

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