Beheld Test | Final Test - Medium

TaraShea Nesbit
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beheld Test | Final Test - Medium

TaraShea Nesbit
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alice consider is always a threat from nature in Part IV?
(a) The extreme heat.
(b) The poisoned streams.
(c) The wolf packs.
(d) The poisonous plants.

2. What does John Billington tell the person he speaks with privately at the very beginning of Part III?
(a) He wants to purchase the land adjacent to his own.
(b) He wants to leave the colony.
(c) He wants to start a new trade.
(d) He wants his daughter to marry this person's son.

3. What does Susanna White commission to bring to the colony that the others view as extravagant?
(a) A wicker bassinet.
(b) A wardrobe.
(c) A hope chest.
(d) A picture frame.

4. How is Thomas Weston dressed when he stops off the boat in Part III?
(a) In finery and a ruffled color.
(b) In a deacon's outfit.
(c) In an army uniform.
(d) In plain work clothes.

5. What happens to Dorothy's first-born child?
(a) She is stillborn.
(b) She dies about a week after being born.
(c) She is very weak.
(d) She lives to the age of two and then dies of illness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Alice Bradford and the others give to the newcomers at the first dinner in Part IV?

2. Who rapes a nameless indentured servant in Part III?

3. Why do William and the others not want to travel to New Netherlands and settle there?

4. Where is John Billington kept while he awaits his murder trial?

5. Who is Alice Bradford's first husband?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alice Bradford feel it is important to tell Dorothy's and William's son when she first meets him in Part IV?

2. What problem does William Bradford have with the flowers Dorothy wants for her wedding bouquet?

3. What does Standish ask Billington when Billington shows him the beaver pelts he means to use to buy his last piece of land?

4. What considerations do the leaders of the colony weigh in figuring out how to handle the murder?

5. Why does Alice decide not to go on the journey to Plymouth with Dorothy and the others?

6. What fear does Alice develop about her husband for the first time while they are waiting for the ship's repairs?

7. What crosses Alice's path on her way to the dock in Part III that she takes as an ill omen?

8. What major issue causes a rift between Dorothy and Alice in Part III?

9. What does Plymouth do with some of its dead in the worst of its first winter?

10. What opinion does William eventually form of the ship's captain?

(see the answer keys)

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