Beheld Test | Final Test - Easy

TaraShea Nesbit
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beheld Test | Final Test - Easy

TaraShea Nesbit
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Dorothy's first living child?
(a) Henry.
(b) John.
(c) Thomas.
(d) James.

2. What does John Billington tell Eleanor he is taking his gun to shoot in Part IV?
(a) Deer.
(b) Moose.
(c) Wolves.
(d) Bears.

3. What work does Thomas Morton tell John Billington he is currently writing in Part IV?
(a) The New English Canaan.
(b) The Colonists' Downfall.
(c) The True Story of Plymouth.
(d) Devil at Plymouth.

4. Who is the Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony in Part IV?
(a) John Winthrop.
(b) Robert Barrington.
(c) John Calhoun.
(d) Henry Jamison.

5. Who rapes a nameless indentured servant in Part III?
(a) The deacon.
(b) William Bradford.
(c) Her master's brother.
(d) Another indentured servant.

6. What does Thomas Weston tell John Billington his letter did among the investors?
(a) Made them realize Billington should be a priest.
(b) Made them realize how unfairly he had been treated.
(c) Caused a stir.
(d) Made them realize Billington should be cast out of the colony and move to Boston instead.

7. How is Thomas Weston dressed when he stops off the boat in Part III?
(a) In finery and a ruffled color.
(b) In plain work clothes.
(c) In an army uniform.
(d) In a deacon's outfit.

8. What do both Dorothy and Alice agree to in deciding to travel to the new world with their husbands?
(a) Leaving their children behind.
(b) Fasting for the month before leaving.
(c) Taking only their rosaries with them.
(d) Taking only one pair of shoes each.

9. What letters does William Bradford write to his investors in London from the boarding house?
(a) They are in dire financial straits.
(b) They have decided to go to Boston instead of Plymouth because the soil there is better.
(c) Everything is going well with the journey.
(d) They have decided not to go to the colonies because the weather is too poor.

10. Why does William Bradford object to Dorothy's choice of flowers for her wedding?
(a) They are too bright in color.
(b) They are flowers associated with funerals.
(c) They are not modest in price.
(d) They are flowers associated with births.

11. Where does Alice leave Joseph sleeping when she goes to wash dishes in Part IV?
(a) In his moses basket next to William.
(b) In the cellars beneath the meeting house, alone.
(c) In the care of Eleanor Billington.
(d) In the care of Susanna.

12. How does Dorothy feel about moving to the colonies?
(a) She is excited to go.
(b) She is indifferent about going.
(c) She does not want to go.
(d) She will go, but only after her parents have passed away.

13. What gesture of Eleanor Billington's does John Billington love?
(a) How she scrunches her eyebrows when she is mad.
(b) How she ties her apron twice.
(c) How she scratches her nose with her middle finger.
(d) How she blows the stray curl out of her face.

14. How many jurors does William Bradford choose for John Billington's trial?
(a) 12.
(b) 6.
(c) 8.
(d) 13.

15. Where had Alice seen an Indian one time before ever arriving in Plymouth?
(a) In an image in a book from the library.
(b) Displayed by the King in the courtyard of the Tower of London.
(c) In a zoo in London.
(d) In a stone etching in the village.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who pays for dinner to be served for Alice's group at the boardinghouse on the first night?

2. What does Alice consider is always a threat from nature in Part IV?

3. What makes Alice doubt that the reasons for tragedies are God's intentions?

4. What is William Bradford's job in Holland?

5. Who is John Billington very happy to see disembark from the ship in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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