Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Peter Barry in the chapter titled "Postcolonial Criticism," Frantz Fanon was a ________ from Martinique.
(a) Cardiologist.
(b) Psychiatrist.
(c) Paleontologist.
(d) Podiatrist.

2. According to Peter Barry, stylistics developed in what century?
(a) Twenty-first.
(b) Nineteenth.
(c) Eighteenth.
(d) Twentieth.

3. Who does Peter Barry credit with partially defusing the conflict between heterosexual feminists and lesbians in an important essay which introduced the notion of the "lesbian continuum"?
(a) Bonnie Zimmerman.
(b) Muriel Spark.
(c) Adrienne Rich.
(d) Anne Koedt.

4. Peter Barry states that in the 1990s a second, less essentialist, notion of lesbianism emerged, within the sphere of what is now known as ________.
(a) Queer theory.
(b) Hybrid theory.
(c) Reception theory.
(d) Speech act theory.

5. Who argued the fluidity of identity, including sexual identity in their highly influential "Epistemology of the Closet"?
(a) Judith Butler.
(b) Rock Meyer.
(c) Diana Fuss.
(d) Eve Sedgwick.

6. According to the chapter "Narratology," Russian formalist Vladimir Propp identified how many actions in a tale with seven spheres of action to animate?
(a) 63.
(b) 23.
(c) 31.
(d) 13.

7. Author Peter Barry explains that post-colonial critics reject the claims to universalism made on behalf of canonical _________ literature and seek to show its limitations of outlook.
(a) Northern.
(b) Western.
(c) Eastern.
(d) Southern.

8. Who wrote the 1986 book "Linguistic Criticism," which characterized linguistic criticism as "objective description of texts"?
(a) Clinton.
(b) Madison.
(c) Fowler.
(d) Eliot.

9. Which of the following two writers were stigmatized as exemplars of "bourgeois decadence"?
(a) Jane Austen and Stephanie Meyers.
(b) Aristotle and Plato.
(c) Proust and Joyce.
(d) Aesop and Aeschylus.

10. Barry structures the work of Genette on a range of ________ questions to detail the process of telling.
(a) Six.
(b) Nine.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

11. According to Peter Barry, the aim of Marxism was to bring about a ________ society, based on the common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange.
(a) Homeless.
(b) Thoughtless.
(c) Lawless.
(d) Classless.

12. During the 1980s, linguists consulted and incorporated non-linguistic material in which came to be called the ________, which had a limited degree of eclecticism and was less likely to claim that it alone studied literature in an objective way.
(a) Neoplatonism.
(b) Phenomenology.
(c) Rhetoric.
(d) New stylistics.

13. The panopticon was a design for a circular prison conceived by the eighteenth-century utilitarian ________.
(a) Jeremy Bentham.
(b) Ray Bradbury.
(c) Sigmund Freud.
(d) Anthony Burgess.

14. Throughout the nineteenth century, linguistics was usually known as ________, and was almost entirely historical in emphasis.
(a) Narratology.
(b) Philology.
(c) Semiology.
(d) Phenomenology.

15. ________ read major works from an ecocritic point of view and extend the application of concepts to areas other than the natural world.
(a) Ecofeminists.
(b) Ecocritics.
(c) Ecologists.
(d) Ecocentrists.

Short Answer Questions

1. W.B. Yeats was a member of the ________ ruling class in ________, according to the narrator in the chapter titled "Postcolonial Criticism."

2. Peter Barry states that ________ is best understood by seeing it initially in the context of its own origins within feminism in the 1980s.

3. According to the chapter "Stylistics," in medieval times rhetoric played an important part in training people for the ________, the legal profession, and political or diplomatic life.

4. Which of the following realism terms best illustrates the straight realism which was imposed in the 1930s?

5. The chapter "New Historicism and Cultural Materialism" explains that the practice of giving ________ to literary and non-literary material is the first and major difference between the "new" and the "old" historicism.

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