Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Stylistics.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Peter Barry explains that post-colonial criticism emerges as a distinct category only in the ________.
(a) 1990s.
(b) 1970s.
(c) 1950s.
(d) 2000s.

2. Which of the following two writers were stigmatized as exemplars of "bourgeois decadence"?
(a) Proust and Joyce.
(b) Jane Austen and Stephanie Meyers.
(c) Aristotle and Plato.
(d) Aesop and Aeschylus.

3. Peter Barry affirms that Friedrich Engels was a German ________.
(a) Sociologist.
(b) Criminologist.
(c) Radiologist.
(d) Philosopher.

4. Stylistics is the modern version of the ancient discipline known as ________, which taught its students how to structure an argument.
(a) Neoplatonism.
(b) Rhetoric.
(c) Neoclassicism.
(d) Philology.

5. Peter Barry states that ________ is best understood by seeing it initially in the context of its own origins within feminism in the 1980s.
(a) Lesbian feminism.
(b) Beginning feminism.
(c) Endangered feminism.
(d) Radical feminism.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Peter Barry credit with the suggestion that language used is gendered, so that when a woman turns to novel writing she finds that there is "no common sentence ready for her use"?

2. Which of the following terms is defined as the view that, in spite of the connections between culture and economics, art has a degree of independence from economic forces?

3. What term is used in the Introduction means not politically radical, and hence generally evasive and non-committal on political issues?

4. The narrator explains in the Introduction that the emphasis on practice means that this is what form of book?

5. According to Plato, "a state of language anterior to the Word" is called ________.

(see the answer key)

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