Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Peter Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Lesbian/gay criticism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The chapter "Postmodernism" details that Ezra Pound calls his major work, "The Cantos" a ________.
(a) Misprision.
(b) Rag-bag.
(c) Paradox.
(d) Praxis.

2. Which of the following works of T.S. Eliot was a collage of juxtaposed, incomplete stories, or fragments of stories according to the chapter titled "Postmodernism"?
(a) Prufrock and Other Observations.
(b) The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism.
(c) The Waste Land.
(d) Essays Ancient and Modern.

3. The chapter "Feminist Criticism" informs the reader that "for her notion of the basic opposition between semiotic and the symbolic Kristeva was indebted to Jacques Lacan and his distinction between two realms, the ________ and the ________.
(a) Syntagm / syntagmatic.
(b) Story / discourse.
(c) Reference / referent.
(d) Imaginary / symbolic.

4. Who does the narrator say was the founder of a method of studying English which is still the norm today?
(a) Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
(b) Ralph Waldo Emerson.
(c) T.S. Eliot.
(d) I.A. Richards.

5. The crucial essay "The Death of the Author" written in 1968 was the "hinge" around which ________ turned from structuralism to post-structuralism.
(a) Joyce.
(b) Eddison.
(c) Barthes.
(d) Johnson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Peter Barry states that in the 1990s a second, less essentialist, notion of lesbianism emerged, within the sphere of what is now known as ________.

2. According to Peter Barry, the ________ aspect of discourse is characterized not by logic and order, but by "displacement, slippage, condensation."

3. Jean Baudrillard was associated with what is usually known as ________ according to the narrator.

4. According to the chapter titled Post-Structuralism and Deconstruction, structuralism derives ultimately from ________.

5. The narrator explains that post-structuralism emerged in France in the late ________.

(see the answer key)

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