Before We Were Free Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Before We Were Free Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Washburns decide to offer concerning Lucinda?
(a) Advice.
(b) Protection in the American embassy.
(c) Protection in the British consulate.
(d) A way to get Lucinda out of the country.

2. What does someone in a limousine bring?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A summons.
(c) An invitation.
(d) A gift-wrapped package.

3. What small chance Anita and Mami comes and goes?
(a) To get on a ship to England.
(b) To return home to get more of their possessions..
(c) To get on a small plane to Florida.
(d) To get on a plane to Italy.

4. What concerns Anita's mother when she receives a call from the school?
(a) That Anita has been hurt.
(b) That Anita has told someone about Lucinda.
(c) That Anita is having emotional difficulties.
(d) That the teacher singles Anita out for punishment.

5. Why is Lucinda frightened?
(a) Anita has caught El Jefe's attention.
(b) She is ill.
(c) She has caught El Jefe's eye.
(d) She is about to become a legal adult.

6. What has Mrs. Mancini done to her master bedroom?
(a) Painted it bright red.
(b) Made it a haven of privacy.
(c) Written liberation words on the walls.
(d) Made it into a hospital room.

7. What does Mr. Mancini tell Mami to do?
(a) Sit and wait and make no calls.
(b) Pack.
(c) Contact the United States embassy.
(d) Move away from the Capital.

8. What does Tio Pepe give to Anita when he visits?
(a) A letter from her Papi.
(b) A letter from Oscar.
(c) A photograph.
(d) A drawing.

9. What obstacles does she have to get past when she writes Oscar?
(a) She does not want to make him envious of her being out of the country.
(b) She does not want to encourage him romantically.
(c) The letter has to get past censors.
(d) She has to be careful because she is a young girl and it would be unseemly to be too forward.

10. Who does Anita see when she looks out the the bathroom window one day?
(a) Mundo.
(b) Papi.
(c) Sam.
(d) Oscar.

11. What has the government instituted to control people's movements?
(a) Video cameras on the street corners.
(b) People have to file requests to go more than two kilometers from their homes
(c) Curfews.
(d) Checkpoints every block.

12. What does Lucinda allow Anita to do that night?
(a) Stay up later than usual.
(b) Write a letter to Carla.
(c) Sleep in her room.
(d) Put on some of her jewelry.

13. Who almost discovers Anita and her mama?
(a) One of the locals the embassy hires.
(b) One of the clerks at the embassy.
(c) The Mancini daughters.
(d) The insurrgents.

14. What does Anita want in the event she is taken away?
(a) To be able to say goodbye.
(b) To be brave.
(c) To go with Oscar.
(d) A pill that instantly kills her.

15. What does Anita's brother offer to do in the afternoon?
(a) Help her with her math homework.
(b) Take her for ice cream.
(c) Take her for a drive.
(d) Help her with her science project.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anita do after talking with Tio Pepe?

2. What does Anita's mother say on the second Sunday that they are in hiding?

3. Where does Chucha get a job?

4. From whom does Anita want to hide the discovery that is discusses in question 113?

5. What does Anita give Chucha?

(see the answer keys)

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