Before the Coffee Gets Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

Toshikazu Kawaguchi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Before the Coffee Gets Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

Toshikazu Kawaguchi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fusagi wear when Kohtake sees him when she travels back in time?
(a) A work unform.
(b) A caftan.
(c) A navy shirt and beige shorts.
(d) A heavy winter coat despite the heat.

2. Why did Fusagi write such short letters to Kohtake?
(a) He always tried to write in Haiku format.
(b) He was a man of few words.
(c) He had never learned to read and write very well.
(d) He just did not like writing very much.

3. What illness does Fusagi have?
(a) Huntington's Disease.
(b) Alzheimer's Disease.
(c) Multiple Sclerosis.
(d) ALS.

4. How do people find the right day to return to when they travel to the past?
(a) They have to pray about the date.
(b) They have to form a strong image in their mind of the day they want to return to.
(c) They have to take a calendar with them.
(d) They have to chant the date out loud several times.

5. Who tells Kohtake about Hirai's sister?
(a) Fumiko.
(b) Kei.
(c) Nagare.
(d) Kuzu.

6. What did Kumi always call Hirai when they were children?
(a) Honey.
(b) Hi.
(c) Rai.
(d) Big Sis.

7. What does Fusagi think is sentimental of Kohtake when she arrives from the past to the cafe?
(a) She wants them to sit at the same table together.
(b) She wants to hold hands.
(c) She wants to kiss in public.
(d) She wants to renew their wedding vows.

8. What is one of the first signs of Fusagi's illness for Kohtake?
(a) He forgets her name.
(b) He forgets his car keys.
(c) He forgets what he does for a living.
(d) He gets lost coming home from work.

9. Who informs Hirai about Kumi's death?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her father.
(c) The head waiter at her parents' inn.
(d) Her mother.

10. What does Fusagi do when Kohtake asks him about her present one year?
(a) Shouts at her.
(b) Throws it away.
(c) Gives it to her.
(d) Gives it to someone else.

11. What does Kohtake think about Kazu's appearance at the time travel ceremony?
(a) It is a little eerie.
(b) It is ordinary.
(c) It is depressing.
(d) It is scary.

12. How many years has Hirai been visiting the cafe in Part IV?
(a) 10.
(b) 7.
(c) 3.
(d) 15.

13. What does Nagare wonder about Kei at the very end of Part IV?
(a) Whether Kei can give up her baby.
(b) Whether Kei will really want to run the snack bar.
(c) Whether Kei will ever want to travel in time.
(d) Whether Kei can handle her new job.

14. What is the meaning of the name of Hirai's family's inn?
(a) The Freeway.
(b) The Chair.
(c) The Treasury.
(d) The Bank.

15. How do patrons always feel about Hirai?
(a) She makes them sad.
(b) They feel comfortable around her.
(c) They put up with her because her drinks are so good.
(d) They are afraid of her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fusagi almost never do for Kohtake?

2. What happens to Hirai when she tries to forcefully remove the ghost from her chair?

3. Why does Kohtake ask all the people in the cafe to use her maiden name?

4. What town in Japan is Harai's family inn located in?

5. How does Hirai get to her hometown for Kumi's funeral in Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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