Before I Go to Sleep: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

S. J. Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Before I Go to Sleep: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

S. J. Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Christine find in her house in her November 21st entry?
(a) An heirloom necklace.
(b) A police report.
(c) A gun.
(d) The key to the locked box.

2. After having ended her affair, Christine had received an invitation to meet where, as described in Part 3: Today?
(a) Birmingham.
(b) Manchester.
(c) Brighton.
(d) Liverpool.

3. In Part 3: Today, Christine and her husband drive for a while and Christine falls asleep, waking as they sit parked where?
(a) On a cliff.
(b) By a river.
(c) At a train station.
(d) In the woods.

4. What does Christine feel the continuing guilt of having done in the beginning of Part 3: Today?
(a) Filing a false police report.
(b) Cheating on her husband.
(c) Stealing money from a friend.
(d) Killing someone.

5. What is the name of Claire's son?
(a) Stephen.
(b) Roger.
(c) Samuel.
(d) Toby.

6. What refers to mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, as in love or aims?
(a) Resentment.
(b) Rage.
(c) Distrust.
(d) Jealousy.

7. What is the date of the first journal entry Christine finds in the envelope in Part 3: Today?
(a) April 16th.
(b) July 10th.
(c) November 23rd.
(d) March 1st.

8. According to Dr. Nash in Christine's November 19th entry, she had been transferred to a psychiatric hospital when her memory problems caused her to what?
(a) Mumble uncontrollably.
(b) Forget to wear clothes.
(c) Pass out.
(d) Act violently.

9. In Christine's November 23rd entry, Claire says she stopped going to see Christine in the hospital because who became upset and did not want her around?
(a) Dr. Nash.
(b) Dr. Wilson.
(c) Ben.
(d) Adam.

10. What refers to the fact or state of having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, especially against moral or penal law?
(a) Wanted.
(b) Judgement.
(c) Innocence.
(d) Guilt.

11. What does Christine pick up absently and take downstairs with her in Part 3: Today?
(a) A pillow.
(b) An envelope.
(c) A bar of soap.
(d) A pair of shoes.

12. Where does Claire tell Christine is the only place she's ever lived abroad in Christine's November 21st entry?
(a) Barcelona.
(b) Sydney.
(c) Vancouver.
(d) Cairo.

13. What name does Christine tell Dr. Nash she thinks her attacker might have in her November 19th entry?
(a) Robert.
(b) Ben.
(c) John.
(d) Ed.

14. Where does Christine's husband keep the lock box with Adam's pictures?
(a) In his office.
(b) Under the bed.
(c) In the dresser.
(d) Under the sink.

15. What refers to a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety about the outcome of certain actions, most often referring to an audience's perceptions in a dramatic work?
(a) Suspense.
(b) Belief.
(c) Climax.
(d) Worry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Dr. Nash tell Christine has been trying to contact her to no avail in her November 20th entry?

2. What does Claire assert Ben's occupation is in Part 3: Today?

3. What does Christine decide to do at the end of her November 23rd entry?

4. What number does Dr. Nash give Christine before hanging up with her in her November 20th entry?

5. Who is the man who has been posing as Christine's husband in Part 3: Today?

(see the answer keys)

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