Before I Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Before I Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On Day 4, in Mr. Daimler's class, what does Sam do with the roses she receives?
(a) Plucks the petals and throws them on the floor.
(b) Throws them in the trash.
(c) Gives them away.
(d) Throws them out the window.

2. What does Sam make popcorn with on Day 5?
(a) Tabasco sauce.
(b) Cheese sauce.
(c) Cinnamon.
(d) Chili powder.

3. When as Sam's father born?
(a) 1955.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1958.
(d) 1960.

4. How much time does Sam spend with Ms. Winters on Day 4?
(a) 45 minutes.
(b) An hour and a half.
(c) 35 minutes.
(d) Half an hour.

5. On Day 6, who locks herself in the bathroom after Juliet and Sam leave the bathroom?
(a) Ally.
(b) Elody.
(c) Hanna.
(d) Bridget.

6. On Day 6, what type of vehicle is Juliet trying to jump in front of when Sam slams into her?
(a) Hummer.
(b) Volvo.
(c) Truck.
(d) Jeep.

7. On Day 4, what is the name of the clerk at Neiman Marcus who asks to see Sam's ID when she uses her mom's credit card?
(a) Wilma.
(b) Phoebe.
(c) Irma.
(d) Gertie.

8. On Day 5, where does Sam think she would like to ride a horse?
(a) From Connecticut to Florida.
(b) From Connecticut to California.
(c) From Connecticut to Canada.
(d) From Connecticut to Mexico.

9. What is Kent wearing when Sam sees him at school on Day 6?
(a) Jean jacket.
(b) Corduroy blazer.
(c) Columbia jacket.
(d) North Face jacket.

10. What color shoes does Sam wear in the evening on Day 5?
(a) Silver.
(b) Purple.
(c) Pink.
(d) Blue.

11. How many days did Kent once wear Crocs?
(a) 365.
(b) 97.
(c) 124.
(d) 268.

12. What time does Sam show up at Juliet's house on Day 5?
(a) 9:30.
(b) 10:30.
(c) 11:15.
(d) 10:15.

13. On Day 6, what meat does Sam order for lunch?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Bologna.
(c) Turkey.
(d) Roast beef.

14. What color wallet does Sam's mother have?
(a) Pink.
(b) Green.
(c) Brown.
(d) White.

15. On Day 5, how does Juliet leave Kent's party?
(a) Through a window.
(b) Through the French doors.
(c) Through the back door.
(d) Through the front door.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color bike die Sam want her parents to buy for her before Izzy was born?

2. How many roses does Sam buy for Juliet on Day 6?

3. How much money do Sam's parents give her twice a year to spend for new clothes?

4. What type of credit card does Sam take from her mother's purse on Day 4?

5. On Day 6, what type of vehicles does Juliet jump in front of and die?

(see the answer keys)

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