Bee Season: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Myla Goldberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Bee Season: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Myla Goldberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What competition does Eliza fantasize about winning?
(a) The Pulitzer Prize.
(b) The international spelling bee competition.
(c) The national spelling bee competition.
(d) An Oscar.

2. What does Saul introduce Eliza to the concept of in this section?
(a) Vibrations.
(b) Permutations.
(c) Computations.
(d) Manifestation.

3. What does Miriam's work tell Saul about Miriam?
(a) She has stolen the work's funds.
(b) She hasn't been employed there for ten years.
(c) She was claiming sick pay for the last two years.
(d) She ws purposely losing all her cases.

4. What does Miriam think she has inherited from her parents?
(a) Their intelligence.
(b) Their love for life.
(c) Their sense of humor.
(d) Their eccentricities.

5. What is a pujari?
(a) A Hare Krishna prophet.
(b) A prayer leader.
(c) A religious feast.
(d) A mystical temple.

6. What is the title of the book Eliza reads while Saul and Aaron are arguing upstairs?
(a) Life of the Future World.
(b) Simple Spirits.
(c) Visions of the Future.
(d) Life in the Soul Lane.

7. What does Saul have a bad dream about in this section?
(a) His teeth crumbling in his mouth.
(b) Miriam jumping of a cliff.
(c) His penis becoming detached from his body.
(d) Eliza spelling curse words in front of the judges.

8. What odes lLiza do in this section that she knows her father would usually forbid?
(a) Take his books.
(b) Take some money.
(c) Make a phonecall.
(d) Use the stove.

9. Which of the following extra-curricular activities does Aaron claim to be involved in?
(a) Swimming team.
(b) Basketball team.
(c) Chess team.
(d) Debate team.

10. What does Miriam refuse to discuss with Saul in this section?
(a) Her depression.
(b) Her obsession with stealing.
(c) Where she has been.
(d) Her sexual compulsiveness.

11. What does Saul offer Aaron before he leaves on his trip away?
(a) His guitar.
(b) His camera.
(c) His Torah.
(d) His crucifix.

12. What has Miriam been keeping at the storage space the policeman takes Saul to?
(a) Her parents' furniture.
(b) Saul's books.
(c) Her stolen items.
(d) Items she found on the street.

13. What does Mariam smell like when she comes down to dinner?
(a) Like she has been sorting through garbage.
(b) Like she has been sleeping in a dog kennel.
(c) Like she has been rolling in horse manure.
(d) Like she has been washing herself in swamp.

14. What does Aaron consider joining in this section?
(a) The Catholic Church.
(b) The Hare Krishna temple.
(c) The school prayer club.
(d) The school chess club.

15. What does Aaron decide to become in this section?
(a) A vegetarian.
(b) A social worker.
(c) A vegan.
(d) An activist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the name of the beads the Hare Krishna's chant with?

2. What does the policeman inform Saul of on the phone?

3. What dead animal does Miriam see in the house she enters in this section?

4. What is Eliza watching on TV when she comes to the realization her father is right?

5. What does Aaron cook Saul and Eliza for dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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