Becoming Test | Final Test - Easy

Michelle Obama
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Becoming Test | Final Test - Easy

Michelle Obama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Obama think about politics?
(a) She loves politics.
(b) She is not a fan.
(c) She only likes politics if her husband is involved.
(d) She both loves and hates some aspects of politics.

2. What does Obama consider to be extremely powerful?
(a) Allowing oneself to sit back quietly and not say anything.
(b) Allowing oneself to stick to rigid schedules.
(c) Allowing oneself to be known and heard.
(d) Allowing oneself to be free.

3. Who did Obama meet while in Africa?
(a) Oprah Winfrey.
(b) Nelson Mandela.
(c) Gordon Ramsey.
(d) Beyonce.

4. What did Obama and Malia try to do on June 26, 2015?
(a) They tried to pretend to be Secret Service agents.
(b) They tried to leave the White House without getting permission from Secret Service.
(c) They tried to make baked Alaska.
(d) They tried to flee the country.

5. What was one major benefit of being in the White House?
(a) The Obamas were famous.
(b) The girls did not have friends.
(c) Barack was always home for dinner.
(d) The girls did not have to go to school.

6. What was Obama's main concern after her husband became president?
(a) Making sure she was always camera ready.
(b) Making sure her husband did his job well.
(c) Making sure the White House residence was fancy.
(d) Making sure the girls settled well into their new life.

7. What happened on June 26, 2015?
(a) The Obamas divorced.
(b) Obama gave birth to another child.
(c) The Supreme Court denied the legality of same-sex marriage.
(d) The Supreme Court issued a landmark decision making same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states.

8. What was the response to Barack's keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention?
(a) Largely positive.
(b) Somewhere in between.
(c) Largely negative.
(d) Nobody cared.

9. Who did Obama hear was thinking about running for president in 2012?
(a) Oprah Winfrey.
(b) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
(c) Kanye West.
(d) Donald Trump.

10. What was the result of the campaigning in Iowa?
(a) Barack lost Iowa.
(b) Barack dropped out of the running.
(c) Barack won Iowa.
(d) Barack divorced his wife.

11. Who was Barack opponent in the 2012 election?
(a) Donald Trump.
(b) Hillary Clinton.
(c) Mitt Romney.
(d) John McCain.

12. What was Donald Trump trying to convince Americans when Barack was President?
(a) That Barack had twelve toes.
(b) That Barack had another wife.
(c) That Barack was a nice guy.
(d) That Barack was not an American citizen.

13. Who was the new First Lady of the United States?
(a) Melania Trump.
(b) Kamala Harris.
(c) Elizabeth Warren.
(d) Hillary Clinton.

14. What did Obama do instead of attending the last inauguration ball of the night in 2009?
(a) She cooked a meal.
(b) She went out for drinks.
(c) She went to bed.
(d) She went to the movies.

15. How did Hadiya Pendleton die?
(a) She was shot by gang members.
(b) She had cancer.
(c) She was involved in a car crash.
(d) She took her own life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Obama make her husband promise to do if he did not win the Senate position?

2. Where did Barack give his victory speech?

3. What does Obama say about running for President?

4. What does Obama say she will not allow herself to be?

5. Why did Obama refrain from attending the Sandy Hook vigil?

(see the answer keys)

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