Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As soon as Paul finishes sex with the Navy man, how does he feel?
(a) As if he's on cloud nine.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Happy.
(d) Guilty.

2. What is Paul's class poem about?
(a) Creating opportunities.
(b) Finding happiness.
(c) Living a life of secrets.
(d) His past crushes.

3. Who does Paul console on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
(a) Ellen.
(b) Alida.
(c) Mr. Allston.
(d) Myra Golden.

4. How does Paul feel about his relationship with Ellen?
(a) He believes they are too co-dependent.
(b) He has a nagging feeling he is faking it.
(c) He believes she is marriage material.
(d) He likes the sex but does not understand her.

5. As things get dryer in Paul's life, what does he feel he needs more of?
(a) More magazines.
(b) More love.
(c) More drama.
(d) More sessions with Cantwell.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Paul handle his loneliness over the years after college?

2. Bobby asks Paul if he is sleeping with Alida. Of the following, which best matches the answer Paul replies to Bobby?

3. What obligation looms over Paul as he tries to figure out his life?

4. What is most different about Paul after his one night stand with the Navy man?

5. All his life, Paul goes through many trials and disasters in love. How does he feel about it all?

Short Essay Questions

1. Paul goes to see "Boys in the Band." What is his reaction to the movie and the surroundings in which he sees the movie?

2. Although many of Paul's friends die due to AIDS and he expects the same ending, what he Paul happy about?

3. How does Paul respond to his first attempt at therapy?

4. What is it that Paul likes so much about his travels in Europe? How does his time there allow him to be freer than he has ever been?

5. Compare and contrast Paul's life and role between Sutton Hill and Canton Academy. Which seems more fitting for Paul? In what way?

6. As Paul starts up various relationships during his time of therapy, how does his whirlwind of affairs end?

7. How does Yale fit into the 60's counterculture? How does Paul fit into the counter-culture?

8. What "new suit for the emperor" does Paul try out in his new life at Canton?

9. Compare and contrast Greg to the way Paul was when he was in high school.

10. How does Paul feel about graduation time at Yale?

(see the answer keys)

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