Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul tell anyone for the first time during his autobiographical reading?
(a) About Bobby and his medical issues.
(b) That he is writing a novel.
(c) That he is scared of life.
(d) That he is gay.

2. How does Paul handle his loneliness over the years after college?
(a) He becomes more religious.
(b) He joins numerous clubs and activities to keep himself busy.
(c) With magazines.
(d) With one night stands.

3. Bobby asks Paul if he is sleeping with Alida. Of the following, which best matches the answer Paul replies to Bobby?
(a) "Of course."
(b) "My penis doesn't work."
(c) "I've tried, but she won't have me."
(d) "Why would I, she's a woman."

4. Why does Paul head to Monaco?
(a) Because Betsy wants to.
(b) He hears gay men are more open there.
(c) Someone he meets suggests it to him.
(d) He is to meet his friend David.

5. As things get dryer in Paul's life, what does he feel he needs more of?
(a) More magazines.
(b) More drama.
(c) More sessions with Cantwell.
(d) More love.

6. What does Paul imagine himself to be if he is to never come out of the closet?
(a) A depressed poet.
(b) A lonely schoolteacher.
(c) A damned fool.
(d) An old man like Raf.

7. How does Paul begin seeing Cantwell?
(a) At a friend's urging.
(b) Alida sees Cantwell first and Cantwell suggest Paul comes to a session.
(c) César encourages Paul.
(d) Paul sees an advertisement.

8. What is Paul's response to the possibility that he may one day have to take care of Bobby?
(a) He believes his parents are looking to the wrong person.
(b) He tells his parents he refuses to give up his own life for his brother's.
(c) He starts planning how Bobby will fit into his life immediately.
(d) He is stressed about it but will do anything for his brother.

9. Where does Paul live immediately after college?
(a) A cabin outside of New Haven.
(b) Back at Andover with his parents.
(c) California.
(d) In an apartment with a fellow Yalie.

10. What opportunity does Paul get after Sutton?
(a) Acceptance to the graduate program at Harvard.
(b) A writing job for a start-up magazine in California.
(c) A free ride out to California.
(d) A job at Canton Academy.

11. What is the bond between Paul and Star's friendship?
(a) There common feelings about their parents.
(b) Their search for a purpose in life after college.
(c) Share of grief over Bill.
(d) Their love for art history.

12. According to Paul, what makes Ellen so pretty?
(a) Her depression.
(b) Her laugh.
(c) Her wild ways.
(d) Her mysteriousness.

13. Who does Paul dedicate his book of poems to?
(a) Roger and Stevie.
(b) His parents and Bobby.
(c) Alida and Ellen.
(d) Julia and César.

14. What does Paul purposefully do one Saturday after seeing some theater?
(a) Take the first train home to avoid the crowds.
(b) Flirt with a man older than him.
(c) Go to a pub to pick someone up.
(d) Miss the last train home.

15. How does Paul reach the Provence?
(a) Catches a train with another American.
(b) With two French ladies who see him sleeping under a cafe table.
(c) A crowded local bus that takes many hours from Paris.
(d) Hitchikes on a truck with some pigs.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the years immediately after college, what ideal picture does Paul go searching for in his life?

2. What excuse does Julia give to break up with Paul?

3. How does Paul feel about his purpose in Cambridge?

4. How does Alida realize Paul is definitely gay?

5. What is special about Bill?

(see the answer keys)

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