Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Monette
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Paul meet many other closet gays?
(a) Ballroom dance group.
(b) Amongst the arhitect majors.
(c) In theatre group.
(d) In the arts department.

2. According to Paul, what is taught rather than innate?
(a) Morals.
(b) Love.
(c) Hate.
(d) Bigotry.

3. How does Paul discover that homosexuality exists beyond his own world?
(a) Talking to Nana Lamb about California.
(b) "Today's Man."
(c) "Tomorrow's Man."
(d) Talking to Alex.

4. What does Paul vow after feeling betrayed by a friend?
(a) To seek revenge by spreading a dirty rumor.
(b) Not to be tempted by another man again.
(c) Not to trust anyone in his school again.
(d) To end his secrets and be open about his sexual preference in high school.

5. Who is the object of Paul's fetish?
(a) Liz Taylor.
(b) Audra Hepburn.
(c) Judy Garland.
(d) Marilyn Monroe.

6. Paul makes friends with whom his freshman year?
(a) Kelly and Joanne.
(b) Gene and Frank.
(c) Francis and Philip.
(d) Gene and Francis.

7. Why does Paul choose Elihu?
(a) It is the most diverse and least preppy.
(b) Cody's advice.
(c) It is the only one that accepts him.
(d) It has the most Apollos and Dionysus.

8. What emotion is elicited when Paul orgasms for the first time?
(a) Ashamed.
(b) Inadequate.
(c) Success.
(d) Fear.

9. What beginning signs does Paul believe indicates his homosexuality?
(a) His preference to play with Joyce and other girls.
(b) His fascinations with paper dolls and mother's heels.
(c) His love for fashion at a young age.
(d) How he loves to play with his mother's hair.

10. Who is Paul's main friend as a child?
(a) Kite.
(b) Toby.
(c) No one.
(d) Joyce.

11. How does Paul Monette feel about growing up gay?
(a) That it is as normal as any other American boy.
(b) It is rich with gossip and drama.
(c) That he has no milestones or story.
(d) That it is as adventurous as the westerns of the 1950s shows.

12. What major event does Bobby go through around age ten?
(a) Hip surgery.
(b) An appendectomy.
(c) Knee surgery.
(d) Bladder surgery.

13. Which teacher does Paul respect most for his intellect?
(a) Mr. Nindle.
(b) Dr. Rohmer.
(c) Mr. Paoletti.
(d) Mr. Fitts.

14. What does Paul's advisor think of him?
(a) Paul has lots of potential.
(b) Paul can use a role model.
(c) Paul is very smart.
(d) Paul needs to grow up.

15. What is the biggest change Paul encounters in high school?
(a) Paul is well-liked without playing the courtier role.
(b) An all boys school.
(c) Tougher, bigger boys than his public school.
(d) Homosexuality is not promoted but not a target for humiliation either.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word choice is Monette aware of but feels the need to use?

2. What lavish event does Paul get to partake in?

3. Who is Paul's major influence in defining manhood?

4. What is Gus and Abbot's relationship with the Monette family?

5. What opportunity does Paul see in Elihu?

(see the answer keys)

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