Becoming a Doctor: A Journey of Initiation in Medical School Test | Final Test - Easy

Melvin Konner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Becoming a Doctor: A Journey of Initiation in Medical School Test | Final Test - Easy

Melvin Konner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What comment about Charlotte was red-penciled off her chart?
(a) She is willing to work to improve her condition.
(b) She appreciated kind attention.
(c) She cannot tolerate her own image.
(d) She is friendly and cooperative.

2. What rule prevented Konner from attending as many births as possible?
(a) The development of private birthing centers.
(b) An increasing focus on providing birthing mothers with privacy and familiar doctors.
(c) Medical students were prevented from late stage deliveries.
(d) The hospital was not well equipped for obstetrics, and patients went elsewhere.

3. What does Konner recommend for the mother who wanted midwifery?
(a) He recommended against it.
(b) He encouraged a home birth.
(c) He recommended that a midwife birth the child in the hospital.
(d) He advocated cesarean section delivery.

4. What is Pickwickian syndrome?
(a) A patient falls asleep during the day.
(b) A patient lives in an imaginary world.
(c) A patient passes out while eating.
(d) A patient forgets where he lives.

5. How does Konner say Dr. Brass reacted to his work?
(a) She ignored it.
(b) She corrected it.
(c) She praised it.
(d) She nit-picked it.

6. What is the key cause of "R.P.T.A." (Rapidly Progressive Testicular Atrophy)?
(a) Contempt.
(b) Arrogance.
(c) Power.
(d) Humiliation.

7. What did Konner find when he researched Sophie Hellman's case?
(a) A laundry list of exhausted and fruitless treatments.
(b) A list of treatments that were be considered and rejected.
(c) No notes about the treatments her doctor said he tried.
(d) Subtle signs of the tumor that ultimately killed her.

8. What was Ringler's approach to his patients?
(a) Break them down to build them up.
(b) Make clear deals with them.
(c) Keep them guessing about his approach.
(d) Let them heal themselves.

9. What was the result when Konner broke one of the rules about which patients he could help?
(a) He was sanctioned.
(b) He caused unnecessary complications.
(c) He was reprimanded by the hospital.
(d) He was appreciated.

10. What condition gave Konner cause for concern in his friend's pregnancy?
(a) Hypertension.
(b) High risk of Down syndrome.
(c) Ambiguous ultrasounds.
(d) Alcoholism in the family.

11. What optimism does Konner retain in the end?
(a) Even an incompetent doctor is better than no doctor at all.
(b) Human beings will be good to one another.
(c) Patients will heal themselves.
(d) Healing is possible.

12. How does Konner characterize Lily Corwin?
(a) Brash and vulgar.
(b) Kind and efficient.
(c) Combative.
(d) Arrogant and ignorant.

13. What happened to Barb's condition by the time Konner returned to his rotation?
(a) She was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimers.
(b) She was involved in a car accident.
(c) She was hospitalized for further complications.
(d) She regained her health.

14. What had Konner's Uncle Dave encouraged him to consider in his decision to return to med school?
(a) His anthropological background.
(b) His income.
(c) His religion.
(d) His family.

15. How many deliveries did Konner perform in his last rotation?
(a) 12.
(b) 31.
(c) 48.
(d) 26.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Konner say he believes about obstetrics?

2. What department was Richard Harrison head of?

3. How did Dr. Harrison rate Konner's performance?

4. What does Konner say about Charlotte?

5. What was John Brandt's approach, which influenced Konner?

(see the answer keys)

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