Because of Winn-Dixie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Because of Winn-Dixie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who offers to help the preacher and Opal look for the missing character?
(a) Dunlap.
(b) Franny.
(c) Gloria.
(d) Amanda.

2. What did Otis used to do a lot of the time?
(a) Play guitar on the street for money.
(b) Drink and use drugs.
(c) Catch stray animals.
(d) Play in a band.

3. How does Opal pass the time as they search and cannot find Winn-Dixie?
(a) Talking about random topics to the preacher.
(b) Calling out for Winn-Dixie.
(c) Listing 10 things she could put on posters.
(d) Whistling a song she heard Otis play.

4. What happened to Littmus's father?
(a) He died of typhoid fever.
(b) He married a new woman.
(c) He died of a broken heart when his wife was killed.
(d) He died on the battlefield.

5. What does Opal learn about Gloria that is similar to her mother?
(a) Gloria used to drink.
(b) Gloria loves to garden.
(c) Gloria left her own child behind.
(d) Gloria enjoys hearing and telling jokes.

6. How upset is the preacher?
(a) He is sad, but you can only see that in his eyes.
(b) He closes himself off and does not appear upset at all.
(c) So upset he starts to shake.
(d) He is more angry than upset.

7. How does Opal think Otis will feel?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Surprised.
(c) Lonely.
(d) Ashamed.

8. How does the preacher describe the lozenge Opal gives him?
(a) Sadness mixed with root beer and strawberry.
(b) Sweet flanors blending on his tongue.
(c) Overwhelming sadness.
(d) A mixture of things he cannot describe.

9. Who is Carson?
(a) Amanda's brother.
(b) Amanda's father.
(c) Amanda's son.
(d) Amanda's boyfriend.

10. Who comes into the library interrupting the story about Franny's great-grandfather?
(a) Gloria.
(b) Amanda.
(c) Preacher.
(d) Sweetie Pie.

11. What book does Opal decide to read to Gloria Dump?
(a) War and Peace.
(b) Gone with the Wind.
(c) To Kill a Mockingbird.
(d) War of the Worlds.

12. How is the air after the storm?
(a) Calm with no wind.
(b) Windy and full of humidity.
(c) Loud and boisterous.
(d) Thick and humid.

13. Which of the following terms could be used to describe how Amanda reacts to the story?
(a) Disbelief.
(b) Sympathy.
(c) Surprise.
(d) Horror.

14. How old was Littmus when the Civil War began?
(a) 20.
(b) 14.
(c) 10.
(d) 28.

15. Why does Opal work particularly slow at her job after Otis tells her why he went to jail?
(a) She hopes he will play his guitar some more.
(b) She wants to ask more questions.
(c) She is trying to understand more about him.
(d) So that she can keep him company.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where had Winn-Dixie gone during the storm?

2. Who does Opal make sure Otis is introduced to first?

3. What is Otis doing when Opal returns to the house?

4. How did they find Winn-Dixie?

5. What does Opal learn that Miss Franny has kept in her drawer in the library for a long time?

(see the answer keys)

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