Because of Winn-Dixie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Because of Winn-Dixie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following would be an accurate description of how Opal's life in town is now?
(a) It is getting better.
(b) It is staying the same.
(c) It is still very lonely.
(d) It is becoming sadder.

2. What do Opal and the Preacher learn that Winn-Dixie is afraid of?
(a) Thunderstorms.
(b) Tall men.
(c) Bears.
(d) Lightning.

3. What secret does Opal learn about Otis?
(a) He doesn't like people to hear him play his music.
(b) He wants Opal to help out more in the pet store.
(c) He was in jail.
(d) He is embarrassed by his music.

4. Which of the following characters invites Opal to a birthday party?
(a) Sweetie Pie Thomas.
(b) Gertrude.
(c) Otis.
(d) Amanda.

5. Where does Winn-Dixie go during the time the Preacher is telling Opal about her mother?
(a) Between them on the couch.
(b) Next to Opal.
(c) On the floor.
(d) Outside.

6. In what state does this story take place?
(a) Texas.
(b) Florida.
(c) North Carolina.
(d) New York.

7. How did Opal reply to Gloria's question about Dunlap and Stevie?
(a) She said they were saying the same things to her.
(b) She said they started it.
(c) She said they were mean and stupid.
(d) She said they were boys.

8. What topic did Opal approach with her father after she finished with Winn-Dixie?
(a) Her old friends.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her new school.
(d) Groceries.

9. Why does Opal want to remember everything that has happened to Winn-Dixie and herself?
(a) She wants to write a book about Winn-Dixie.
(b) She wants to tell her father.
(c) She wants to write it down in her diary.
(d) She wants to tell her mother if she ever meets her.

10. What is one of the first things Opal does to Winn-Dixie?
(a) Finds him a place to sleep.
(b) Gives him a bath.
(c) Feeds him.
(d) Brushes his fur.

11. Why doesn't the Preacher's church look like a typical church?
(a) It used to be a Pick-It-Quick store.
(b) The town cannot afford a typical church.
(c) It recently burnt down.
(d) It is in the trailer park.

12. How does Opal describe the Preacher to the dog?
(a) He is a smart man.
(b) He is a good man.
(c) He is a fortunate man.
(d) He is a strict man.

13. Where did Dunlap and Stevie Dewberry tell Opal that her dog had gone?
(a) Chasing after the cat with fleas.
(b) Back to the trailer park.
(c) Into the witch's house.
(d) Way deep into the jungle.

14. What did Opal's mother do that often caused fights between the Preacher and Opal's mother?
(a) She didn't cook.
(b) She wouldn't go to church.
(c) She refused to work.
(d) She drank.

15. How did Miss Franny get the bear to leave the library?
(a) She threw a book at it.
(b) She pushed it out.
(c) She called for the game commission to come.
(d) She screamed loudly at it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Opal spend a lot of her time in the summer?

2. What did the manager of the grocery store want to do with the dog?

3. Why does Opal go to Gertrude's Pets?

4. Most of the things that happen to Opal during the summer are because of who?

5. What does Opal hear when she walks into the grocery store?

(see the answer keys)

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