Because of Mr. Terupt Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Rob Buyea
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Because of Mr. Terupt Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Rob Buyea
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One: February.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part One: February, who does Peter mean to hit with the snowball?
(a) Peter.
(b) Luke.
(c) Mr. Terupt.
(d) Alexie.

2. In Part One: November, what does Mr. Terupt say the class is going to do?
(a) Join another class.
(b) Get a new teacher.
(c) Visit a special ed class.
(d) Disband.

3. In Part One: October, what does Luke bring into class for his plant?
(a) Fertilizer.
(b) Leaves.
(c) A chemical concoction.
(d) Mulch.

4. In Part One: October, what does Jeffrey think because of what he sees Mr. Terupt do?
(a) That he should try harder.
(b) That he should not goof around.
(c) That he should not try.
(d) That he dislikes Mr. Terupt.

5. In Part One: December, what does Mr. Terupt do with Alexia's group?
(a) Tell the group members to accept her.
(b) Tell the group members to be nice.
(c) Tell the group members to stand up to her.
(d) Disband it.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part One: November, what does Peter do to Lexie in the field?

2. In Part One: January, what does Jeffrey think about his mom and dad?

3. In Part One: October, why is Anna upset with the plant experiment?

4. In Part One: January, why is Luke disappointed?

5. In Part One: November, what does Jessica say happens to her?

(see the answer key)

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