Because of Mr. Terupt Multiple Choice Test Questions

Rob Buyea
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Because of Mr. Terupt Multiple Choice Test Questions

Rob Buyea
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Because of Mr. Terupt Lesson Plans

Part One: September

1. Why is Peter excited in Chapter One: September to have a new teacher?
(a) Because he did not like his past teacher.
(b) Because he can get away with goofing off.
(c) Because he wants a change.
(d) Because he likes learning.

2. What does Peter do in Chapter One: September to get out of class?
(a) Go to the restroom.
(b) Go outside.
(c) Call his mom to pick him up.
(d) Fake sick.

3. Why is Jessica nervous in Chapter One: September?
(a) Because she is new to the school.
(b) She misses California.
(c) She does not like school.
(d) She has a hard time making friends.

4. In Chapter One: September, what does Mr. Terupt reassure Jessica with?
(a) That she will soon feel happy.
(b) That he is a new too.
(c) That she will quickly adapt.
(d) That she will make friends.

5. In Chapter One: September, what math game does Luke say the class plays?
(a) Dollar Word.
(b) Guess the Number.
(c) Count the Fingers.
(d) Hot Potato.

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