Beauty's Release Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Beauty's Release Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the sultana?
(a) Linus.
(b) Lexius.
(c) Elena.
(d) Inanna.

2. What type of nation does the sultan seem to run?
(a) Patriarchal.
(b) Purely homoerotic.
(c) Pure.
(d) Matriarchal.

3. What does Beauty realize about the sultana's body?
(a) She was originally a man.
(b) Her genitals have been mutilated.
(c) She is slightly deformed.
(d) She has received plastic surgery.

4. What does the master acknowledge about the slaves?
(a) They have higher reasoning.
(b) They are sexual beings.
(c) They are all good slaves.
(d) They are all very attractive.

5. What type of sexual relationships were present in the queen's kingdom?
(a) Completely consensual.
(b) Sadistic.
(c) Pedophiliac.
(d) Pleasant.

6. Where would Laurent chase women in the morning when he served his mistress?
(a) Through the forest.
(b) Through his mistress' room.
(c) Through the castle.
(d) Through the garden.

7. From what point of view is Beauty's story told?
(a) First person.
(b) Second person.
(c) Omniscient third person.
(d) Limited third person.

8. What is the name of Laurent's former mistress?
(a) Elvera.
(b) Elmira.
(c) Ellalee.
(d) Emily.

9. From whose point of view is the first chapter told?
(a) An omniscient character.
(b) Tristan.
(c) Laurent.
(d) Beauty.

10. Where does Laurent wake up?
(a) On a ship.
(b) In the sultan's palace.
(c) On a horse.
(d) In a stable.

11. While Lexius talks with two male servants, what does Beauty hear?
(a) Childlike singing.
(b) Female screams.
(c) Male shouting.
(d) Female laughter.

12. Which of the following tone changes are consistent with the occurrences in "The Watcher"?
(a) Desolation to joy.
(b) Desolation to eeriness.
(c) Desperation to eagerness.
(d) Happiness to hostility.

13. Which of the following is a sign that Lexius is willingly participating in sex with Laurent?
(a) He tells Laurent what to do.
(b) He gives vocal consent.
(c) He could easily summon servants.
(d) He winks at Laurent.

14. How long before being kidnapped did Laurent run away from his mistress' household?
(a) Two months.
(b) One year.
(c) Two days.
(d) One week.

15. When three men enter the garden, who does the most important approach first?
(a) Laurent.
(b) Rosalynd.
(c) Tristan.
(d) Beauty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does the master inspect last?

2. Which of the following describes the master's actions toward the slaves?

3. Why does Laurent run away from his mistress?

4. What is done with Beauty's hair?

5. Which three characters are foreshadowed to have a strange relationship?

(see the answer keys)

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