Beauty's Punishment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Beauty's Punishment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nicolas believes that Tristan would have gone for ____________ the price if he had gone later on in the auction.
(a) Twice.
(b) Ten times.
(c) Four times.
(d) Three times.

2. When the people aren't able to buy a slave at the auction, they can go to the _________ to pay for some time with them.
(a) Tents.
(b) Kitchen.
(c) Stables.
(d) Church.

3. Where were the soldiers riding close to so as to make sure they could still reach the slaves to beat them as they traveled?
(a) Wooden wheels.
(b) Horses.
(c) Carriage seat.
(d) Back.

4. Tristan clung to the _________ memory of Beauty's exquisite face and the flashing of disobedience in her eyes.
(a) Golden.
(b) Silver.
(c) Blue.
(d) White.

5. Beauty began to feel that beatings and paddling were become more ____________ and it seemed strange to her.
(a) Normal.
(b) Consistent.
(c) Pleasurable.
(d) Helpful.

Short Answer Questions

1. What begins to take Beauty to her new place of enslavement as the opening chapter ends?

2. Tristan realizes he heard a number of kind words of ___________ from his previous Master, though he had still chosen to disobey.

3. What did the Captain use in order to inspect the endowments of Beauty as she was laid down?

4. When Beauty become accustomed to the shadows in the room, she realized there were many other ___________ there.

5. The Captain says to Beauty, "You will ________ yourself to me," when he finally speaks after looking at her.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why was Jerard now a slave alongside Tristan, as he explains to him when they are able to communicate?

2. What does Beauty realize when she is taken to the Court of Eleanor with the Crown Prince?

3. When are the slaves not ignored by the villagers, according to the observations of Beauty as she walks through town?

4. What does Tristan admit to himself about the falling out he had with his previous Master, Lord Stefan?

5. What is the secret that Nicolas reveals to Tristan as they are sitting on a hillside during their trip in the countryside?

6. What happens to Beauty as a result of becoming a slave who is to be sold?

7. How must Tristan and the other slaves he is with feed when they are in their stable together?

8. Describe the conditions the slaves are in as they are being brought to the public auction in order to be sold.

9. What does the Mistress Lockley want Tristan to do and she pays ten pence so that it can happen?

10. What is Tristan forced to do to Nicolas, which surprisingly arouses him as he does so?

(see the answer keys)

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