Beauty's Punishment Test | Final Test - Easy

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Beauty's Punishment Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jerard admits that he now feels the most proud when he is _____________ for his Mistress.
(a) Trotting.
(b) Begging.
(c) Punished.
(d) Sleeping.

2. Tristan believes it ___________ Nicolas to see Tristan and Beauty to be happily together.
(a) Saddens.
(b) Pleases.
(c) Angers.
(d) Teases.

3. What does Mistress Lockley say that the soldiers liked on Beauty when they had their way with her?
(a) Breasts.
(b) Legs.
(c) Hair.
(d) Arms.

4. Tristan is awakened and pulled from the bed by one the servants at _______________ of the day.
(a) Early morning.
(b) Midnight.
(c) Dusk.
(d) Mid morning.

5. What does the Mistress apply to Tristan as he is bound to the wall during the day?
(a) Weights.
(b) Shirts.
(c) Ribbons.
(d) Masks.

6. Why couldn't the Princess see Tristan when he was brought into the room?
(a) She wasn't looking up.
(b) She was turned the other way.
(c) Blindfold.
(d) She did.

7. While Tristan has already been with the Princess in the tent, he realizes his ____________ has redoubled upon going to his Master.
(a) Happiness.
(b) Satisfaction.
(c) Hunger.
(d) Guilt.

8. Nicolas asks Tristan if Tristan hates him for having him __________ at the public turntable.
(a) Hung.
(b) Whipped.
(c) Pelted.
(d) Ignored.

9. What did Tristan hasten to do when he was with his Master at the beginning of this section?
(a) Tie his boots.
(b) Bathe him.
(c) Clean his fingers.
(d) Kiss his hand.

10. What did the men squirt up into Beauty in order to clean her after the orgy which took place?
(a) Water.
(b) Wine.
(c) Stew.
(d) Soap.

11. Who rode in the coach beside a tall man, and his/her appearance was a surprise to Tristan?
(a) Lord Stefan.
(b) The Captain.
(c) Lord Richard.
(d) Mistress Julia.

12. What was the drink the slaves were allowed to lap up when they were eating dinner with the others?
(a) Juice.
(b) Milk.
(c) Water.
(d) Wine.

13. The Master was wearing a doublet of __________ velvet with fancy balloon sleeves and looked like a Prince.
(a) Plum.
(b) Blue.
(c) Orange.
(d) Apricot.

14. Who is the runaway that Beauty tells Tristan about, though she seems to want to be captured in the same way?
(a) Laurent.
(b) Jerard.
(c) Dmitri.
(d) Richard.

15. Beauty is described by the Captain as a naked, ravenous ___________ that foments the passion in him dangerously.
(a) Slave.
(b) Soul.
(c) Temptress.
(d) Girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did people carry their wine around in as they were walked about the village?

2. The Captain realized that ___________ had been Tristan's lover when he was at the castle.

3. How many years had Jerard already been a slave in the village, according to his own admission?

4. When Tristan is on display in the house, he is ordered to be ___________ properly, by the Mistress.

5. Who did Beauty dream of as she slipped into a sleep later on in the evening?

(see the answer keys)

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