Beauty's Punishment Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Beauty's Punishment Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Parts 15-17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The _________ came again paralyzing and silencing Beauty's open mouth as the lovemaking continued.
(a) Ecstasy.
(b) Pain.
(c) Rage.
(d) Fear.

2. All year, the villagers would ___________ just to have the chance to purchase a slave during the auction.
(a) Save their money.
(b) Come from other towns.
(c) Sleep in.
(d) Wait in line.

3. Beauty sees that Tristan's face is a little __________ than that of most of the men, with strong bones.
(a) Shorter.
(b) Thinner.
(c) Larger.
(d) Longer.

4. What does the auctioneer compare Beauty's hair to as he is describing her to the crowd?
(a) Spun gold.
(b) Rapturous yellow.
(c) Golden coins.
(d) Hay.

5. How were Beauty's protests silenced during the experience with the Captain?
(a) She simply chose not to talk.
(b) He choked her.
(c) He kissed her.
(d) He gagged her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Beauty introduced to when she is brought to the new room by Mistress Lockley?

2. The slave hanging on the front of the inn hung like ripe _________ from a shingle, perking up when the Mistress arrived.

3. The slaves were now being condemned to hard labor and cruel use by the ___________ people.

4. Tristan clung to the _________ memory of Beauty's exquisite face and the flashing of disobedience in her eyes.

5. The Mistress is going to spank Beauty _________ so that Beauty will be obedient the entire summer as this will be repeated daily.

(see the answer key)

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