Beautiful Redemption Test | Final Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Test | Final Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Liv’s boyfriend who is with her in Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems"?
(a) Ridley
(b) Link
(c) Reece
(d) John

2. Which of the Sisters is said to wash the garbage when no one is looking in Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil"?
(a) Prudence
(b) Grace
(c) Samantha Ann
(d) Mercy Lynne

3. Abraham is described in the narrative as being what species?
(a) A Natural
(b) A Necromancer
(c) An Empath
(d) A Blood Incubus

4. What is the name of the librarian at the Lunae Libri in Chapter 26: “Quantum Physics”?
(a) The Lilum
(b) Ridley
(c) Marian
(d) Sarafine

5. Lena says in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon" that when she and John leave for New Orleans, she believes she’ll have how much time before her uncle finds out and comes looking for her?
(a) 1 day
(b) 6 hours
(c) 3 hours
(d) 2 days

Short Answer Questions

1. Lena plays music by what composer that is a favorite of Macon’s in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?

2. How is Ridley related to Lena in the novel?

3. Where does Lena say Macon bought her the simple black cocktail dress that she wears to dinner in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?

4. Lena says in Chapter 23: "Dar-ee Keen" that she has only one eye that is what?

5. Ridley tells Lena in Chapter 23: "Dar-ee Keen" that “John’s not worth anything to [Abraham] now that” what “has been restored”?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Lena discover in the hidden room above the bar in New Orleans? Why is this character there?

2. Where do Lena and her friends go for help when The Book of Moons stays on the grave?

3. Where have Lena’s family members been on vacation? What does she suspect has brought them home in Chapter 27: “The Cracks in Everything”?

4. How does Abraham meet his demise in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?

5. How do Lena and her friends decide to find The Book of Moons in Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil"? Who is said to be in possession of the book?

6. How do Lena and the others learn the location where The Book of Moons may be located in Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil"?

7. What dangers are presented with Abraham’s appearance in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?

8. How does the narrative perspective change in Book Two: “Lena”? What are Lena and her friends doing in the opening of Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems"?

9. What does Lena consider about Aunt Del’s abilities in Chapter 29: "The Hands of the Dead"?

10. How does Amma arrange the Casters and Mortals for the ritual that takes place at the end of Chapter 29: "The Hands of the Dead"?

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