Beautiful Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ethan awakens in Chapter 1: "Home,” he is in his old bedroom at what estate?
(a) His Garden of Perpetual Peace
(b) Wate’s Landing
(c) Ravenwood Manor
(d) Greenbrier

2. What is the name of the door to the Far Keep that Ethan remembers in Chapter 7: "Crosswords"?
(a) The Palimpset Portal
(b) The Thaumaturge
(c) The Temporis Porta
(d) The Cataclyst Chasm

3. Whose dentures does Aunt Prue say she hid the day before in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?
(a) Grace’s
(b) Amma’s
(c) Thelma’s
(d) Mercy’s

4. Ethan says that after his mother’s death, Marian told him about a Buddhist class she took where in Chapter 1: "Home"?
(a) Duke University
(b) Louisiana State University
(c) Boston University
(d) Loyola University

5. Where in Ravenwood Manor is Ethan standing when he opens his eyes in the beginning of Chapter 6: "Silver Button"?
(a) Lena’s room
(b) The hallway
(c) Macon’s room
(d) The kitchen

Short Answer Questions

1. What card does Ethan refer to as his card in Chapter 8: "Broken Bottles"?

2. What is Ethan’s middle name?

3. By what name does Amma’s grandmother call her in Chapter 8: "Broken Bottles"?

4. Where does Aunt Prue tell Ethan his body was buried in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?

5. What is the name of the Gatlin cemetery that Ethan sees when he opens the door of the house in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who among the Mortals in Gatlin is unaware of Ethan’s death in the beginning of the novel? How has Ethan’s death remained hidden?

2. What conflict takes place between Lila Wate and Aunt Prue in the beginning of Chapter 10: “Snake Eyes”?

3. How does Ethan go about communicating with Lena in Chapter 12: "Still Here"?

4. To what character does Ethan turn to for help in his quest after leaving his mother’s home in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"? Where does this character live?

5. How long has it been since Ethan has seen his mother? How does he feel about their reunion in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?

6. What are Twyla and Sulla doing when Ethan encounters them in Chapter 13: "Where the Crow Carries You"? Who are these characters?

7. How is Beautiful Redemption structured? How are the sections of the book delineated and who narrates?

8. How is Ethan’s journey described once he’s crossed the river in Part One: “Ethan”? Who does he encounter after the River Master?

9. How does Ethan respond when he learns that Obidias wrote his page in The Caster Chronicles?

10. What is Ethan’s first message that he sends to Lena in Chapter 9: "Stars and Stripes"?

(see the answer keys)

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