Beautiful Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Test | Final Test - Easy

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the Cast that Lena makes on Mr. Wate in Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems"?
(a) Scribio
(b) Remembrance
(c) Oblivio
(d) Politico

2. What creatures have filled Ravenwood Manor in the beginning of Chapter 28: "Caster Catfight"?
(a) Bees
(b) Hummingbirds
(c) Butterflies
(d) Crickets

3. What Cast does Lena speak in order to free Ridley from the cage in Chapter 22: "Bird in a Gilded Cage"?
(a) Oblivio
(b) Aurae Aspirent
(c) Scribio
(d) Remembrance

4. What is the name of Liv’s boyfriend who is with her in Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems"?
(a) Link
(b) Reece
(c) John
(d) Ridley

5. Who does Lena say “had basically made a pact with the Darkest magic in the universe” in New Orleans in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?
(a) Amma
(b) Charlie
(c) Ridley
(d) Thelma

6. On the matchbook cover that the Sisters reveal in Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil,” it says, “The Dark Side O’ the Moon – N’awlin’s Finest Since” what year?
(a) 1615
(b) 1911
(c) 1801
(d) 1915

7. What kind of bird circles above Lena and the others as they make their way to the oldest part of the cemetery in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?
(a) A mockingbird
(b) A crow
(c) A hummingbird
(d) A raven

8. Where does Lena say Macon bought her the simple black cocktail dress that she wears to dinner in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Rome
(d) Paris

9. What is the term used in the novel for a mortal that uses forms of voodoo?
(a) Empath
(b) Cataclyst
(c) Bokor
(d) Thaumaturge

10. What does Abraham indicate happened to John’s parents in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?
(a) They moved to New York
(b) They were burned alive
(c) They were drowned in the river
(d) Hunting ate them

11. Lena says in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon" that when she and John leave for New Orleans, she believes she’ll have how much time before her uncle finds out and comes looking for her?
(a) 3 hours
(b) 2 days
(c) 1 day
(d) 6 hours

12. Lena describes descending the stairs and smelling what aroma in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?
(a) Jasmine
(b) Pansies
(c) Roses
(d) Strawberries

13. What is the name of the band that Link is in?
(a) The Holy Smokes
(b) The Caster Chronicles
(c) The Caster Chasm
(d) The Holy Rollers

14. Where has Amma agreed to meet Lena and the others in the beginning of Chapter 27: "The Cracks in Everything"?
(a) Wate’s Landing
(b) Greenbrier
(c) Ravenwood Manor
(d) His Garden of Perpetual Peace

15. Which of the Sisters is said to wash the garbage when no one is looking in Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil"?
(a) Prudence
(b) Samantha Ann
(c) Grace
(d) Mercy Lynne

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Link stab Abraham with in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?

2. Who is looking at the crossword puzzle and is confused by Ethan’s message in the opening of Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems"?

3. During their extravagant dinner in Ravenwood Manor, Macon says to Lena that the spread is “a tantalizing table of treason” as who would say?

4. What is the name of Macon’s wolfdog in the novel?

5. Who is described in Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems" as wearing a rumpled white suit and string tie and as “Satan himself, at least as far as Gatlin County was concerned”?

(see the answer keys)

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