Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Two: Lena.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color are Macon’s glowing eyes said to be in the darkness in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?
(a) Blue
(b) Green
(c) Red
(d) White

2. What term in the novel refers to a Caster that can see the past and the present at the same time?
(a) Thaumaturge
(b) Palimpsest
(c) Cataclyst
(d) Shifter

3. Lena says in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon,” “One thing about former Incubuses: They really appreciate” what?
(a) Raw meat
(b) Mortal food
(c) Daylight hours
(d) Sleeping

4. In what book does Ethan describe a sock sticking out as a bookmark in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?
(a) The Lord of the Rings
(b) The Divine Comedy
(c) Excalibur
(d) Don Juan

5. Who appears at the door of the bar “like clockwork” at the end of Chapter 23: "Dar-ee Keen"?
(a) Charlie
(b) Marian
(c) Reece
(d) Macon

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ethan smell in Amma’s kitchen when he enters Wate’s Landing in Chapter 7: "Crosswords"?

2. When Ethan awakens in Chapter 1: "Home,” he is in his old bedroom at what estate?

3. Lena plays music by what composer that is a favorite of Macon’s in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon"?

4. What word is used in the novel to describe when the characters are telepathically communicating?

5. Lena says in Chapter 22: "Bird in a Gilded Cage,” “From what I could see, Abraham Ravenwood appeared to be the Caster answer to” whom?

(see the answer key)

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