Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Two: Lena.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 20: "A Deal with the Devil,” Liv says that the last time the sacred book was seen was in the cave at the Seventeenth Moon when it was used to conjure what Cast?
(a) The Vexes
(b) The Casters
(c) The Lilum
(d) The Incubi

2. What kind of car is Ethan’s father driving when he arrives home in Chapter 7: "Crosswords"?
(a) A Volvo
(b) A Ford
(c) A Chrysler
(d) A Jeep

3. Ethan says in Chapter 4: “Catfish Crossin’,” “Getting Aunt Prue to say the one thing you wanted her to say, right when you wanted her to say it, was like thinking you could” what?
(a) Go back in time and change the past
(b) Ask the sun to shine
(c) Catch a catfish at sea
(d) Stop time

4. Who does Macon say left him a note to say where he and Lena would be going in Chapter 25: "Death's Door"?
(a) John
(b) Aunt Del
(c) Link
(d) Bud Clayton

5. Aunt Prue says she gave Lena what object so that she could stay in contact with her in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?
(a) A rose necklace
(b) A rive eye stone
(c) A pearl bracelet
(d) A ruby ring

Short Answer Questions

1. Who appears at the door of the bar “like clockwork” at the end of Chapter 23: "Dar-ee Keen"?

2. Lena says in Chapter 21: "Dark Side of the Moon" that when she and John leave for New Orleans, she believes she’ll have how much time before her uncle finds out and comes looking for her?

3. Who is described in Chapter 19: "Mortal Problems" as wearing a rumpled white suit and string tie and as “Satan himself, at least as far as Gatlin County was concerned”?

4. What has Amma sprinkled along the windowsills to keep spirits out in Chapter 7: "Crosswords"?

5. Who is with Abraham when he appears in the cemetery in Chapter 24: "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle"?

(see the answer key)

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