Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Redemption Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Kami Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One: Ethan.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ethan awakens in Chapter 1: "Home,” he is in his old bedroom at what estate?
(a) Greenbrier
(b) Wate’s Landing
(c) Ravenwood Manor
(d) His Garden of Perpetual Peace

2. As Ethan sits outside of Wate’s Landing in Chapter 7: "Crosswords,” he wonders if his father is working on his book about what?
(a) The Sixteenth Moon
(b) The Eighteenth Moon
(c) The Seventh Moon
(d) The Twelfth Moon

3. In Chapter 4: “Catfish Crossin’,” Aunt Prue tells Ethan, “you can’t make preserves until you learn how to” what?
(a) Open a jar
(b) Pick berries
(c) Boil water
(d) Turn on the oven

4. In what book does Ethan describe a sock sticking out as a bookmark in Chapter 2: "Fried Green Tomatoes"?
(a) The Lord of the Rings
(b) The Divine Comedy
(c) Don Juan
(d) Excalibur

5. What are stacked in the middle of Lena’s room in Chapter 6: "Silver Button"?
(a) Casting books
(b) Suitcases
(c) Old photographs
(d) Poetry books

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Aunt Prue tell Ethan his body was buried in Chapter 3: "This Side or the Next"?

2. What are the cards called that Amma’s grandmother reads in Chapter 8: "Broken Bottles"?

3. What word is used in the novel to describe when the characters are telepathically communicating?

4. Where in Ravenwood Manor is Ethan standing when he opens his eyes in the beginning of Chapter 6: "Silver Button"?

5. Who goes to Ethan’s grave with Lena in Chapter 6: “Silver Button”?

(see the answer key)

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