Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ethan find strange after he awakens from the recurring dream in “Dream On”?
(a) He has forgotten how to speak.
(b) He is covered in snow.
(c) He is covered in leaves.
(d) He has dirt under his nails.

2. When Lena and Ethan are transported back in time in “The Last Three Rows,” Genevieve is frantic and discovers that her mother and who are already dead in the fires?
(a) Evangeline.
(b) Sarafine.
(c) Reese.
(d) Sarah.

3. Ethan’s friend Link tells him in “The Real Boo Radley” that a “lynch mob” is setting out to do what?
(a) Have the mayor impeached.
(b) Have Lena expelled from school.
(c) Catch a runaway slave.
(d) Burn down the library.

4. What occurs when Lena accidentally bumps into Ethan at school in “Broken Glass”?
(a) A light erupts into sparks.
(b) The mirrors in the room begin to spin.
(c) The hairs on Ethan’s head become singed.
(d) A window comes crashing to the floor.

5. What relative of Lena’s is said to have the ability to make his arms appear as snakes in “Gathering Days”?
(a) Thelma.
(b) Reese.
(c) Larkin.
(d) Ryan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the high school that Ethan attends?

2. On what date does “Red Sweater” take place?

3. On what day does Ethan visit his aunts every week?

4. Ethan’s aunts explain that the reason Ethan hasn’t seen the relative whose initials are on the locket on the family tree is because he was what, in “The Sisters”?

5. On what date does “Marian the Librarian” open?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conversation does Ethan overhear between Macon Ravenwood and Amma in “The Greats”?

2. When Ethan and Lena show Marian the locket and travel back in time in “Marian the Librarian,” what scene do they arrive in?

3. Who is “Boo Radley” in “The Real Boo Radley”? What novel is this name an allusion to?

4. Why does Lena attempt to push Ethan away in “Greenbrier”? How does Ethan respond?

5. What does the reader learn about the significance of the library in “The Real Boo Radley”?

6. What does Ethan learn about the history of Ravenwood in “The Sisters”?

7. How does Ethan describe the physicality between himself and Lena in the early chapters of the novel?

8. What is significant about the kitchen in Ravenwood Manor, as seen in “The Real Boo Radley”?

9. In “A Crack in the Plaster,” Lena relates a story of a teenager who was Claimed Dark. How does this scenario turn out, and what does it indicate?

10. How are the chapters structured in the novel? What is the significance of the dates noted?

(see the answer keys)

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