Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Marian tells Ethan that the locket in the painting is rumored to be what, in “Marian the Librarian”?
(a) An amulet for his daughter.
(b) A cursed amulet.
(c) A stolen amulet.
(d) A secret betrothal gift.

2. Ethan learns from his aunts in “The Sisters” that the initials on the locket stand for what name?
(a) Emily Rosen Waters.
(b) Sarah Michelle Anderson.
(c) Genevieve Anne Masterson.
(d) Ethan Carter Wate.

3. What is Ethan surprised to see the interior of Ravenwood Manor looking like when he enters in “Greenbrier”?
(a) A disco club.
(b) The choir room of a cathedral.
(c) A page from a furniture catalogue.
(d) An eerie, abandoned cemetery.

4. The initials on the locket represent a man who was related to Ethan how?
(a) He is Ethan's great-grandfather.
(b) He is Ethan’s second cousin once removed.
(c) He is Ethan’s great-great grandfather.
(d) He is Ethan’s great-great-great uncle.

5. What is Ethan’s father’s profession?
(a) He is a butcher.
(b) He is a gym teacher.
(c) He is a writer.
(d) He is a doctor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ridley tells Ethan that she is related to Lena how in “Gathering Days”?

2. What date is given in the opening of “Broken Glass”?

3. By what name does Lena call Ridley’s mother in the novel?

4. What is the name of Aunt Del’s ten-year-old daughter in the novel?

5. Who leads Ethan to Lena when he enters Ravenwood Manor in “Hallow E’en”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What awakens Ethan in “The Greats”? Where does he go upon awakening?

2. When Ethan and Lena show Marian the locket and travel back in time in “Marian the Librarian,” what scene do they arrive in?

3. Who is “Boo Radley” in “The Real Boo Radley”? What novel is this name an allusion to?

4. Where is Ethan’s mother in the story? What is the impact of her absence as seen in “The Middle of Nowhere”?

5. How does Ethan describe the physicality between himself and Lena in the early chapters of the novel?

6. What is Amma’s role within the Wate household? How is her role in the family illustrated through her actions in “The Middle of Nowhere”?

7. What strange occurrence happens late at night in “Hallow E’en”?

8. What does Lena explain to Ethan about the names of her family members in “The Writing on the Wall”?

9. Why is Lena upset when she, Ethan, and Marian return to the present in “Marian the Librarian”? How does Marian respond?

10. How are the chapters structured in the novel? What is the significance of the dates noted?

(see the answer keys)

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