Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beautiful Creatures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ethan’s aunts explain that the reason Ethan hasn’t seen the relative whose initials are on the locket on the family tree is because he was what, in “The Sisters”?
(a) A bastard.
(b) A hunter.
(c) An abusive husband.
(d) A deserter.

2. Marian tells Ethan that the locket in the painting is rumored to be what, in “Marian the Librarian”?
(a) A cursed amulet.
(b) A stolen amulet.
(c) A secret betrothal gift.
(d) An amulet for his daughter.

3. What book does Genevieve retrieve when Marian, Ethan, and Lena travel back in time in “Marian the Librarian”?
(a) The Book of Casts.
(b) The Book of Moons.
(c) The Book of Suns.
(d) The Book of Songs.

4. Who leads Ethan to Lena when he enters Ravenwood Manor in “Hallow E’en”?
(a) Reese.
(b) Boo Radley.
(c) Thelma.
(d) Grace.

5. On what date is “The Writing on the Wall” set?
(a) November 1.
(b) November 11.
(c) November 2.
(d) November 29.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Aunt Del’s ten-year-old daughter in the novel?

2. On what date does “Collision” begin?

3. On what date does “The Last Three Rows” begin?

4. Macon Ravenwood tells Amma that Ethan still has what in “The Greats”?

5. What song plays on Ethan’s phone in the beginning of “The Writing on the Wall”?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Ethan touches the locket while at church in “The Sisters,” what scene unfolds?

2. What is Amma’s role within the Wate household? How is her role in the family illustrated through her actions in “The Middle of Nowhere”?

3. What conversation does Ethan overhear between Macon Ravenwood and Amma in “The Greats”?

4. What confuses Ethan about the appearance of Ravenwood Manor when he arrives in “The Real Boo Radley”?

5. What happens outside of Ethan’s father’s study in the beginning of “Marian the Librarian”?

6. How does Lena explain her personal predicament to Ethan in “A Crack in the Plaster”?

7. What does Ethan learn about the history of Ravenwood in “The Sisters”?

8. How is the setting of Gatlin, South Carolina described in “The Middle of Nowhere”? How does Ethan explain his role within the community?

9. Why does Lena say she doesn’t want to begin a relationship with Ethan in “A Crack in the Plaster”? How does Ethan respond?

10. What strange occurrence happens late at night in “Hallow E’en”?

(see the answer keys)

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