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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through “White Christmas,” “Promise,” “The Sandman or Something Like Him,” and “The Battle of Honey Hill”.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. On what date does the author open “Waist Deep”?
(a) December 6.
(b) December 8.
(c) October 12.
(d) February 11.
2. “Boo Radley” is a famous character that originally appeared in what novel?
(a) The Sun Also Rises.
(b) To Kill a Mockingbird.
(c) To Have and Have Not.
(d) The Catcher in the Rye.
3. What is the name of the wolf/dog owned by Macon Ravenwood in the novel?
(a) Holden Caulfield.
(b) Boo Radley.
(c) Sarafine.
(d) Denali.
4. What is the date that opens “It Rhymes with Witch”?
(a) December 22.
(b) December 2.
(c) December 11.
(d) December 1.
5. What are the names of Ethan’s three elderly aunts he visits every week?
(a) Mary, Katherine, and Christina.
(b) Mercy, Prudence, and Grace.
(c) Sarafine, Emily, and Ridley.
(d) Elizabeth, Marsha, and Sarah.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do the older members of Ethan’s community refer to the Civil War as?
2. When Lena and Ethan are transported back in time in “The Last Three Rows,” Genevieve is frantic and discovers that her mother and who are already dead in the fires?
3. What relative of Lena’s is said to have the ability to make his arms appear as snakes in “Gathering Days”?
4. Where do Ethan and Link pass a truant officer in the beginning of “New Girl”?
5. Who warns Genevieve that casting a spell to revive the dead will have consequences in “Marian the Librarian”?
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