Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Medium

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Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Howell?
(a) the ship's carpenter
(b) the surgeon
(c) one of the warrant officers
(d) Hornblower's steward

2. Where has Lady Barbara been moved to?
(a) Hornblower's cabin again
(b) the orlop deck
(c) Bush's cabin
(d) Gerard's cabin

3. Who is the captain of Natividad?
(a) El Supremo
(b) Manuel Hernandez
(c) Cortez
(d) Crespo

4. What does Lydia sight after a few days ?
(a) a Spanish ship flying a flag of truce
(b) prize ships to capture
(c) Natividad once more
(d) an island

5. Where could Hornblower replenish his supplies on the voyage home to England?
(a) Panama, Peru, Nicaragua
(b) St. Helena, Sierra Leone, or Gibraltar
(c) Peru, Argentina, Chile
(d) Cape Horn, Chile, the Falkand Islands

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Hornblower take Lydia to be repaired?

2. What is Hornblower's destination after leaving El Supremo and his rag tag army in Nicaragua?

3. Why was it so hot in the little bay where Lydia dropped anchor?

4. How is Lydia damaged during the fierce sea battle with Natividad?

5. Before Lydia could be beached for the carpenters to work on her bottom what had to be done?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what Lady Barbara does in the cockpit.

2. What does El Supremo hope to do with Natividad?

3. Who accompanies Lady Barbara?

4. Describe the condition of the crew of Lydia after the sea battle with Natividad?

5. What is Hornblower supposed to do before dealing with Natividad?

6. Why does Hornblower allow Lady Barbara to seek passage on Lydia, though he dislikes her and feels Lydia is no place for a woman?

7. What is Hornblower decked out in when he goes ashore at Panama?

8. Upon sighting Natividad, both ships shortening sail due to foul weather, what does Hornblower do unexpectedly when the two shipd are on a collision course?

9. Who seeks passage aboard Lydia and why?

10. Describe Lady Barbara Wellesley's physical appearance?

(see the answer keys)

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