Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Medium

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Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Galbraith was dying, who did he think Lady Barbara was?
(a) his wife
(b) his sister
(c) his mother
(d) an angel

2. What habit had Lady Barbara acquired in her forced loneliness?
(a) talking with herself
(b) writing long letters to England , though they couldn't be sent
(c) confiding in Hebe, her maid
(d) firting with the crew

3. What did the letter the Spaniard handed Hornblower contain?
(a) a congratualtion on Hornblower's success in sinking Natividad
(b) an invitation to drop anchor in Panama for repairs
(c) a formal prohibition for the Lydia to drop anchor in any port in Spanish America
(d) an invitation to a celebratory dinner ashore

4. What did Hornblower order done when the crew became depressed and discouraged?
(a) ordered the red-haired Sullivan to play the fiddle and the men to dance
(b) ordered them to take a meal
(c) ordered them to pray
(d) ordered them to sing sea shanties

5. Where did Hornblower take Lydia to be repaired?
(a) the isle of Coiba
(b) the isle of Canabra
(c) the isle of Rosita
(d) a hidden cove of Panama

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Gerard?

2. Why was time of utmost importance in repairing Lydia to sail home?

3. What is the gaffe Lady Barbara makes which eases Hornblower's mind about her knowledge of ships and her intelligence?

4. What did Hornblower compare the cockpit to?

5. What features of the landscape do they always see when sailing along the coast?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what Lady Barbara does in the cockpit.

2. Upon sighting Natividad, both ships shortening sail due to foul weather, what does Hornblower do unexpectedly when the two shipd are on a collision course?

3. What is Hornblower supposed to do before dealing with Natividad?

4. Describe the condition of the crew of Lydia after the sea battle with Natividad?

5. After a fierce sea battle , both ships severely damaged, what does Hornblower do?

6. Who accompanies Lady Barbara?

7. Why does Hornblower allow Lady Barbara to seek passage on Lydia, though he dislikes her and feels Lydia is no place for a woman?

8. What is Hornblower forced to due in order to close in on Natividad when there is no wind for the sails?

9. What problem does Lydia have as it weighs anchor after Hornblower's visit with the Viceroy at Panama?

10. What is Lady Barbara wearing when she boards Lydia?

(see the answer keys)

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