Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the restocking of Lydia, what did Hernandez provide instead of flour?
(a) plantains
(b) ground maize
(c) bread
(d) hominy grits

2. How many guns does the H.M.S. Lydia have on board?
(a) 26
(b) 36
(c) 60
(d) 50

3. What did Crespo do that shocked the Spanish sailing master and his mates?
(a) He spat on the deck.
(b) He acted in such a way to make it appear he was a homosexual.
(c) He tossed the image of the Virgin and Child overboard.
(d) He ordered the Spanish sailing master to be flogged.

4. When does the prosperous period of Hornblower's voyage conclude?
(a) when Hornblower lands in Peru
(b) when Hornblower gives up his commission
(c) when Hornblower admits defieat
(d) when Hornblower hands over Natividad to El Supremo

5. How fast does Lydia travel in light airs?
(a) 2 knots
(b) 4 knots
(c) 3 knots
(d) 6 knots

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Hornblower been ordered to do with Lydia?

2. What does Hornblower do when the Natividad is first sighted?

3. What was the only land Hornblower had had a glimpse of during the seven-month voyage?

4. How many guns does Natividad have on board?

5. Who is Polwheal?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the actual battle that ensues after Lydia takes Navtividad by surprise?

2. Name three of the officers of H.M.S. Lydia and their ranks.

3. What are some of the insults Hornblower disregards in order to accomplish his goals?

4. What does El Supremo demand upon boarding Natividad and why is it meaningless?

5. What is the stragegy that El Supremo lays out to Hornblower about conquest?

6. Describe the incident which took place in the village near where Lydia was anchored?

7. What does Hornblower do when he is told Natividad is approaching?

8. Which supplies was Lydia out of or low on after seven months at sea?

9. What is the strategy Hornblower devises to capture Natividad, though it is larger and has more guns than the Lydia has?

10. What appears on the beach the morning after Hornblower's visit to El Supremo's palace?

(see the answer keys)

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