Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Easy

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Beat to Quarters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hornblower learn from the communiques handed him by the men who come aboard?
(a) Spain is now England's ally
(b) Hornblower is under arrest for handing Natividad to El Supremo
(c) Hornblower and his crew are invited to a dinner on shore
(d) Hornblower is ordered to return to England

2. What habit had Lady Barbara acquired in her forced loneliness?
(a) firting with the crew
(b) talking with herself
(c) writing long letters to England , though they couldn't be sent
(d) confiding in Hebe, her maid

3. What shocked Hornblower about the way the Spaniards treated El Supremo?
(a) that they didn't feed him
(b) they were going to hang him without his being able to make make peace with God
(c) that they laughed at him and he became their chief source of entertainment
(d) that they spat on him

4. What did Hornblower tell the Spanish officer who boarded Lydia when Lydia was headed for Panama?
(a) that he was returning to England
(b) that he had sunk Natividad
(c) that he was headed for the Pearl Islands
(d) that he had lost one-third of his crew

5. Who died after having both legs smashed below the knees?
(a) Gerard
(b) Sullivan
(c) Howell
(d) Galbraith

6. Where does Lady Barbara take up residence aboard Lydia, displacing the person who resided there before?
(a) in Polwheal, Hornblower's steward's cabin
(b) In 1st Lieutenant Bush's cabin
(c) in surgeon, Laurie's cabin
(d) in Captain Hornblower's cabin

7. What is secured on the deck of Lydia after the sea battle with Natividad?
(a) the mizzenmast
(b) the ship's wheel
(c) a loose cannon
(d) the foremast

8. What did Hornblower compare the cockpit to?
(a) his sickroom as a child
(b) some canto in the Inferno
(c) the inside of a dark cave
(d) an orderly hospital room

9. Where did Hornblower take Lydia to be repaired?
(a) the isle of Canabra
(b) the isle of Coiba
(c) a hidden cove of Panama
(d) the isle of Rosita

10. Describe Lady Barbara.
(a) She is short, dark-haired , plump and fair with pink cheeks
(b) She is a red-head with a fiery temper
(c) She is 27, tanned and from an influential English family
(d) She is a delicate blond, not wanting to get her hands dirty or soil her clothes

11. What is Hornblower ordered to do by the Spanish emmissaries?
(a) to desist in helping El Supremo and to suppress rebellion
(b) to accompany them to Panama for further orders
(c) to return to England at the first opportunity
(d) to enjoy his quest for prize ships

12. When Galbraith was dying, who did he think Lady Barbara was?
(a) his mother
(b) his sister
(c) an angel
(d) his wife

13. Why was it so hot in the little bay where Lydia dropped anchor?
(a) it was the summer season
(b) it wasn't that hot , the crew was just used to being at sea
(c) it was the bay of a tropical island
(d) the lofty mountains all about cut off the wind

14. What is the gaffe Lady Barbara makes which eases Hornblower's mind about her knowledge of ships and her intelligence?
(a) Lady Barbara doesn't know what a foremast is.
(b) Lady Barbara refers to the deck of her cabin as the "floor".
(c) Lady Barbara doesn't know what "Beat to Quarters" means
(d) Lady Barbara doesn't know what a coxswain is.

15. What features of the landscape do they always see when sailing along the coast?
(a) pink sand beaches
(b) snow-peaked mountains
(c) bananna trees
(d) volcanic peaks

Short Answer Questions

1. Where has Lady Barbara been moved to?

2. How is Bush injured during the battle with Natividad?

3. What was the chief fear Hornblower had going into battle?

4. Who accompanies Lady Barbara ?

5. Where could Hornblower replenish his supplies on the voyage home to England?

(see the answer keys)

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