Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Hornblower have the Spanish officers from Natividad shackled below on Lydia?
(a) to save them from being executed by El Supremo
(b) to teach them the superiority of the English
(c) to hold them 'til their flogging
(d) to keep them from fighting back

2. What had Hornblower been ordered to do with Lydia?
(a) sink it rather than surrender
(b) use it to immmedately take Natividad
(c) hand it over to El Supremo
(d) stay out of sight until arrival at the Gulf of Fonseca

3. Who comes aboard Lydia in a small craft to speak with Hornblower?
(a) El Suprempo
(b) Don Juan
(c) Hernandez Lopez
(d) Manuel Hernandez

4. How does El Supremo view his subjects?
(a) as his enemies
(b) as his children
(c) as beasts
(d) as loyal servants

5. With whom should Hornblower open communication to receive further orders as soon as it was convenient?
(a) the Rear Admiral commanding the Leeward Islands
(b) the captain of a nearby British ship
(c) the English king
(d) the Admiral of the Gulf of Fonseca

6. How is Lydia successful in taking Natividad?
(a) by Hornblower's talent as a captain
(b) by hiding behind an island and taking Natividad by surprise
(c) by superior crew skills
(d) by using her cannonades

7. Who is Gerard?
(a) steward
(b) 2nd lieutenant
(c) the ship's surgeon
(d) warrant officer

8. In the restocking of Lydia, what did Hernandez provide instead of flour?
(a) bread
(b) ground maize
(c) plantains
(d) hominy grits

9. When does the prosperous period of Hornblower's voyage conclude?
(a) when Hornblower lands in Peru
(b) when Hornblower admits defieat
(c) when Hornblower hands over Natividad to El Supremo
(d) when Hornblower gives up his commission

10. How long after sighting the Horn had Hornblower brought Lydia to her destination?
(a) seven weeks
(b) six weeks
(c) 3 months
(d) seven months

11. How far above the deck is the foremast gallant top?
(a) 130' above the deck.
(b) 40' above the deck.
(c) 125' above the deck.
(d) 140' above the deck.

12. How many decks did the Spanish ship Natividad have?
(a) two
(b) one
(c) four
(d) three

13. Until Lydia had made harbor what was the favorite dish in the midshipman's berth?
(a) fish
(b) stale bread
(c) rats
(d) canned goods

14. What does Hornblower do when the Natividad is first sighted?
(a) fires the cannonades at Natividad
(b) calls a beat to quarters
(c) unconcernedly asks some officers to dinner and plays cards
(d) hoists the sails

15. How many British casualties are there during the capturing of Natividad?
(a) three
(b) two
(c) four
(d) not one

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the only land Hornblower had had a glimpse of during the seven-month voyage?

2. Why does Hornblower think he was selected for this mission?

3. How do El Supremos' officers quell the crew after they take over Natividad?

4. How many guns did the Natividad have on board?

5. When would Hornblower be permitted to capture treasure ships in the Pacific?

(see the answer keys)

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