Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Beat to Quarters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hernandez mean by "unenlightened" men?
(a) men who cannot read
(b) men who have never attended school
(c) non-religious men
(d) men who deny El Supremo's divinity

2. How long after sighting the Horn had Hornblower brought Lydia to her destination?
(a) seven months
(b) seven weeks
(c) 3 months
(d) six weeks

3. Who was Galbraith?
(a) coxswain, originally from Ireland
(b) steward, originally from Wales
(c) 3rd Lieutenant originally from Scotland
(d) helmsman

4. Who comes aboard Lydia in a small craft to speak with Hornblower?
(a) Hernandez Lopez
(b) El Suprempo
(c) Manuel Hernandez
(d) Don Juan

5. What had Hornblower been ordered to do with Lydia?
(a) hand it over to El Supremo
(b) sink it rather than surrender
(c) use it to immmedately take Natividad
(d) stay out of sight until arrival at the Gulf of Fonseca

6. What request did Hornblower make of El Supremo?
(a) to re-stock Lydia with food, water and other necessities
(b) to come to dinner aboard the Lydia
(c) to untie the "unenlightened" men he had staked in the sun
(d) to sail with him to Panama

7. What does El Supremo plan to do?
(a) capture treasure ships
(b) sail with an army to capture the capital of Nicaragua
(c) capture Lydia
(d) visit England

8. When would Hornblower be permitted to capture treasure ships in the Pacific?
(a) after he ship was repaired and fullly stocked with food
(b) right before returning to England
(c) after the rebellion against Spain was successful
(d) after one month

9. How do El Supremos' officers quell the crew after they take over Natividad?
(a) tie a disobedient crewsman to the mast
(b) execute a hesitant boy
(c) withhold food for three days
(d) threaten that any crewman who disobeys must walk the plank

10. Who was the first member of the crew to be publicly flogged?
(a) Lieutenant Samuel Simmonds
(b) Owen, a half-wit
(c) Hornblower's steward, Polwheal
(d) a red-headed Irishman who played the fiddle

11. What did the flag that Natividad now flew look like?
(a) yellow with a blue star in the middle
(b) green with a yellow star in the middle
(c) black with a red star in the middle
(d) blue with a yellow star in the middle

12. What did Hornblower deplore about his body?
(a) his large nose
(b) his big feet
(c) his pot belly
(d) his thin legs

13. How many guns does Natividad have on board?
(a) 40
(b) 36
(c) 50
(d) 46

14. What was the only land Hornblower had had a glimpse of during the seven-month voyage?
(a) Argentina
(b) the Falkand islands
(c) Cape Fear
(d) Cape Horn

15. What did Hornblower do upon sighting land?
(a) called the crew to the quarterdeck to celebrate with rum
(b) dressed in his best finery
(c) ordered a beat to quarters
(d) wrote a letter to the admiralty

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the huts that Hornblower saw on his way to the palace made of?

2. Where exactly in South America was Hornblower expected to open trade for England?

3. What made the whole crew of Lydia spring into action on approaching Natividad?

4. What did Crespo do that shocked the Spanish sailing master and his mates?

5. In the restocking of Lydia, what did Hernandez provide instead of flour?

(see the answer keys)

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