Beat to Quarters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beat to Quarters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Unprosperous Voyage.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How fast does Lydia travel in light airs?
(a) 6 knots
(b) 2 knots
(c) 3 knots
(d) 4 knots

2. What is the fate of Natividad?
(a) she goes up in flames, the sea swallowing her up
(b) she escapes into the night
(c) she returns to El Supremo
(d) she is captured by Lydia

3. What does El Supremo plan to do?
(a) capture treasure ships
(b) sail with an army to capture the capital of Nicaragua
(c) capture Lydia
(d) visit England

4. What does Lydia sight after a few days ?
(a) a Spanish ship flying a flag of truce
(b) an island
(c) prize ships to capture
(d) Natividad once more

5. During the repairs on the ship what is Hornblower's main concern?
(a) accounting for all the cannons
(b) preparing for renewed battle with Natividad
(c) the repairs to the cabin
(d) the lifting of the heavy spar that will serve as the jury mizzen

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Hornblower remembered to do for his crew before sending them into action?

2. When would Hornblower be permitted to capture treasure ships in the Pacific?

3. What was the grim nemesis awaiting men with open wounds in those pre-antiseptic days?

4. How many casualties did Lydia suffer in the battle with Natividad?

5. What did Crespo do that shocked the Spanish sailing master and his mates?

(see the answer key)

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