Beat to Quarters Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Beat to Quarters Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Unprosperous Voyage.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Gerard?
(a) the handsome womanizing gunner
(b) the half wit coxswain
(c) the cook
(d) the 3rd Lieutenant

2. What does Hornblower announce to the Spanish politicians after he admits fomenting revolution and delivering Natividad to El Supremo?
(a) he will call on the Spanish governor at Panama and seek to destroy or capture Natividad
(b) admits he was foolish in siding with such a madman as El Supremo under any circumstance
(c) that he continue fomenting revolution against Spain
(d) that he will sail immediately for England

3. How does El Supremo view his subjects?
(a) as his children
(b) as loyal servants
(c) as beasts
(d) as his enemies

4. Where has Lady Barbara been moved to?
(a) Gerard's cabin
(b) Bush's cabin
(c) Hornblower's cabin again
(d) the orlop deck

5. What does El Supremo want the two ships to do after Natividad is captured?
(a) sail to Peru and confer about future maneuvers
(b) capture treasure ships together and split the treasure
(c) sail to Spain to fight a rebellion against Spain
(d) sail as a fleet, capture La Libertad then all Nicaragua

Short Answer Questions

1. What card game did Hornblower like to play?

2. How many guns did the Natividad have on board?

3. How did the British Admiralty want to use the Spanish possessions?

4. What habit had Lady Barbara acquired in her forced loneliness?

5. How far above the deck is the foremast gallant top?

(see the answer key)

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