Bearing the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bearing the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Meredith want to encourage with this walk?
(a) The war in Vietnam.
(b) Black voter turnout.
(c) Ending bus segregation.
(d) Black poverty.

2. In which city did the marchers first encounter hostility?
(a) Argon Springs.
(b) Greenwood.
(c) Cairo.
(d) Charleston.

3. Where did King go to work on his book?
(a) Brazil.
(b) England.
(c) Tanzania.
(d) Jamaica.

4. At the SCLC convention, King suggested which city as the next one for protests?
(a) Savannah.
(b) Danville.
(c) New Orleans.
(d) Biloxi.

5. Tensions between the SCLC and which group grew during 1963 and 1964?
(a) NCAA.
(b) BBC.
(c) SNCC.
(d) ACLU.

6. What illnesses did King suffer from in the summer of 1965?
(a) Exhaustion and kidney stones.
(b) Exhaustion and strep throat.
(c) Exhaustion and bronchitis.
(d) Exhaustion and influenza.

7. Which city did King want to focus attention on in the North?
(a) Detroit.
(b) Akron.
(c) Cleveland.
(d) Chicago.

8. In 1964, King learned that he had won what?
(a) The Nobel Peace Prize.
(b) The Booker T. Washington Award.
(c) The lottery.
(d) The NAACP President.

9. Why did the Chicago Freedom Movement begin to lose momentum?
(a) Demonstrator arrests.
(b) The lack of a leader.
(c) The lack of funds.
(d) The lack of an attainable goal.

10. The grand jury in St. Augustine said they would agree to form a biracial committee after the Civil Rights activists did what?
(a) King and other outside leaders left town.
(b) The swim-ins stop.
(c) The President told them to.
(d) SNCC ceased its demonstrations.

11. What caused King to fall into a depression?
(a) Kennedy's assassination.
(b) Evers' assassination.
(c) The violence in Birmingham.
(d) The lack of progress in Albany.

12. What happened to Meredith along his walk?
(a) He meet King.
(b) He was made vice-president of the SCLC.
(c) He was shot.
(d) He was beaten up.

13. Who interrupted King's work on his book?
(a) James Bevel.
(b) Ralph Abernathy.
(c) Roy Wilkins.
(d) Stanley Levison.

14. In Chicago, the movement included nine points in their demand about what?
(a) Police employment.
(b) Fair housing.
(c) Church equality.
(d) Bus schedules.

15. The Democratic Convention took place in which city?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Tampa.
(c) St. Louis.
(d) Atlantic City.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who urged King to run for president?

2. In St. Augustine, King was arrested for what?

3. Violence broke out in what city as activists tried to desegregate local schools?

4. One of SNCC's leaders was arrested in Atlanta on what charge?

5. In October, the federal Office of Education stopped funding to which city's schools because of segregation?

(see the answer keys)

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